Arthur Clarence Dodge, b. 14 Sept 1858 in Iowa City; never married; he lived on the 70-acre family farm in Exira, Iowa, 1-1/2 miles northwest of the Exira Depot, and raised livestock, crops, and hay; he once raised a hog that weighed 635 lbs.; he was kicked in the face by a horse and had to get stitches; another time he fell off a load of hay and received a cut on his face (Audubon Journal, Oct. 1917, Dec. 1905). He took care of his mother for 31 years after his father, Boynton, died in 1881 until her death in 1912; in their orchard they grew "Belle Flower" apples and other fruit. He d. 1932 in Des Moines, IA, but is buried in Exira Cemetery. (findagrave mem.# 117482301)
(My great-grandfather, Merrill Boynton "Johnny" Dodge (1877-1942), was his brother)