Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA - I Invited him to the 100 Greatest African Amercicans Project. Presently there are only 65.

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, April 23, 2020
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  • This file is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at

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Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is your 9th cousin.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks
your mother → Ossie Mae Emerson
her mother → Maudie Mae Pratt
her mother → Margaret Frances Crawshaw
her mother → Sarah E Brown
her mother → Richard White
her father → Mary White
his mother → Charles Moorman
her father → Achilles Moorman
his father → Anne Martin
his sister → Thomas Martin
her son → Betsy Thomas-Bowles (Martin)
his daughter → Harriet Payne
her daughter → Benjamin Franklin Payne
her son → Charles Thomas Payne
his son → Rolla Charles Payne
his son → Madelyn Lee Dunham
his daughter → Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
her daughter → Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her son

This is interesting to me:
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is your fifth cousin twice removed's husband.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Arvel Yewell Hicks
his father → Rachel Jane Hicks
his mother → James Henry Crossen
her father → Sarah Jane Crossen Duff
his mother → Ruth Hannah Cockrum
her mother → Thomas Johnson
her father → Walter William Johnson
his brother → Mary "Carrie" Johnson
his daughter → James Preston Johnson
her son → LaVaughn Delores Robinson
his daughter → Fraser C. Robinson, III
her son → First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Obama
his daughter → Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her husband

Surely if we are THAT close, the former first lady and I should be a DNA match... IF the Geni is correct.

I'm want to know How I am related to Barack Obama. In my tree they say I'm The 44th.


Thank you. So much Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087
That was so sweet of you. Can you let me know how you did this? Unfortunately there are not enough African-American profiles being showcased like this. Part of the reason is because you cannot find a lot of records on a lot of the African American profiles because of slavery. This is why I have them working on trying to find lines to more African-Americans. I am so happy that you did this, but more importantly I am proud that you’ are my cousin and I love you very much. Thank you so much for your concern. You have a wonderful day sweetie . Karen

I'm a Caucasian guy who is proudly the 18th Cousin of Barack Obama and 20th Cousin of Michelle Obama.

For anyone who would be interested:

-President Barack Obama & Queen Elizabeth II are 10th Cousins 3xRemoved AS WELL AS 29th Cousins.

-1st Lady Michelle Obama & Queen Elizabeth II are 12th Cousin 4xRemoved.

It appears he has not yet been added and that makes me sad and CURIOUS...what could be a reason NOT to add him?

What a wonderful idea. Thank you for doing this. Before I discovered I was a 14th cousin, I served as Staging Location Director for about 1/3 of Portsmouth VA for both of his elections. That makes your house the place where people come to pick up packets to knock on Democratic doors to remind people to vote on the weekend before and the four days leading up to and including the election. Your house is not your own for two weeks. It was exciting to have a part in making those elections have a successful conclusions. I had an opportunity to go to one of his rallies in Norfolk in 2008, and, along with 20 other election workers, have my picture taken with him. I found out later that if you contributed $10,000 to the campaign, you could have your picture taken with him. I really treasure that photo! Frances Olsen

Oh my Frances Marie (Baucom) Olsen! That is a wonderful story but look at this!:
Frances Marie (Baucom) (twin) Olsen is your 6th cousin once removed.
→ Geneive Melba Hicks
your mother → John Mac Emerson
her father → Elma Emerson
his mother → James William Swaim
her father → Sarah Marelda Swaim
his mother → John Monroe Baucom
her father → Cader Baucom
his father → Lewis Baucom, Sr
his brother → Henry Millard Baucom, Sr
his son → James Ruffin Baucom, Sr
his son → William Riley Baucom
his son → John Franklin Baucom
his son → Frank MacDonald Baucom, Sr
his son → Frances Marie (Baucom) (twin) Olsen
his daughter

I see that the Project is based on a book from 2002
and is why he has not been added to this Project
but I have Invited him to a new Project and hope to see him there :)

Kimberly Danielle Cook
You → Jim James Bailie Nelson
your father → Conrad Connie Krigbaum Nelson
his father → Alice Amelia Nelson
his mother → Denton Wyckoff Leonard
her father → Henry Denton Farnum Leonard
his father → John Wilson Leonard
his father → Benjamin Benji Leonard
his father → Mary Leonard
his mother → Benjamin Pitney
her father → Susannah Pitney
his mother → Shubael Smith
her brother → Mary Smith
his daughter → Samuel Dunham
her son → Jacob Dunham
his son → Jacob Mackey Dunham
his son → Jacob William Dunham, III
his son → Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham
his son → Stanley Armour Dunham
his son → Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
his daughter → Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her son


Bernard Lloyd Collins
your father

Orville Collins
his father

Margaret I. Wilson
his mother

William M Wilson
her father

Matilda Elson
his mother

James Elson
her father

Richard Turner Elson
his father

Mary Elson
his mother

Col. Thomas Turner
her father

George Turner,Jr of New Kent County, Virginia
his brother

Hannah Wren
his daughter

John Wren
her son

Sarah Landrum
his daughter

John Landrum
her son

Sarah A Landrum
his daughter

Nancy C. Childress
her daughter

Nancy Ann Turner
her daughter

Harry Ellington Armour
her son

Ruth Lucille Dunham
his daughter

Stanley Armour Dunham
her son

Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
his daughter

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her son

This is for you Anette Ingrid Hemmingsson.... :)

Anette Ingrid Hemmingsson is Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA's 25th cousin once removed.
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
→ Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
his mother → Stanley Armour Dunham
her father → Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham
his father → Jacob William Dunham, III
his father → Jacob Mackey Dunham
his father → Jacob Dunham
his father → Samuel Dunham
his father → Mary Smith
his mother → Prudence Smith
her mother → Mary Fitzrandolph
her mother → Jeffrey Jones
her father → Reverend John Jones
his father → Reverend William Jones
his father → Constance Morgan
his mother → Elizabeth Vaughan
her mother → Joan Vaughan
her mother → Constance Whitney
her mother → Eleanor Tuchet
her mother → Constance of York, Countess of Gloucester
her mother → Isabella of Castile, Duchess consort of York
her mother → Pedro I el Cruel, rey de Castilla y León
her father → Alfonso XI the Just, King of Castile and León
his father → Constance of Portugal
his mother → Dinis I o Justo, rei de Portugal
her father → Alfonso III of Portugal
his father → Afonso II, o Gordo, rei de Portugal
his father → Berengária af Portugal, Dronning af Danmark
his sister → Erik IV Plovpenning, Konge af Danmark
her son → Queen Ingeborg Eriksdatter Huset Estridsen
his daughter → Håkon V Magnusson, king of Norway
her son → Agnes Haakonsdatter
his daughter → Sigurd Haftorsson Giske til Sudrheim
her son → Agnes Sigurdsdatter Sudreim
his daughter → Katarina Jonsdotter, Sudrheim
her daughter → Gro Alvsdatter Bolt, til Haavardstad
her daughter → Otte Matsson Rømer, til Nidaros og Austråt
her son → Anna Ottesdatter Rømer
his daughter → Sigvardt Amundsen Holck
her son → Magdalena Sigvardsdatter Holck
his daughter → Birgitta Lauritsdatter Arctander
her daughter → Erik Erikssøn Blix
her son → Hans Eriksson Eriksson Blix
his son → Cecilia Hansdotter
his daughter → Anna Persdotter
her daughter → Hans Ingelsson Bolling
her son → Jöns Hansson Strömstedt
his son → Märeta Jönsdotter
his daughter → Jöns Mårtensson
her son → Johan Lundegren
his son → Anna Margareta Ros
his daughter → <private> Ros
her son → Anette Ingrid Hemmingsson
his daughter

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is your 8th cousin once removed.
→ Jimmy Lynn Jackson
your father → Dixie Dean Jackson
his mother → Henry Green Bratton
her father → Lucinda Elizabeth Bratton
his mother → Green H. Fields
her father → Sarah Henson
his mother → Mourning Hinson
her mother → Achilles Moorman
her father → Anne Martin
his sister → Thomas Martin
her son → Betsy Thomas-Bowles (Martin)
his daughter → Harriet Payne
her daughter → Benjamin Franklin Payne
her son → Charles Thomas Payne
his son → Rolla Charles Payne
his son → Madelyn Lee Dunham
his daughter → Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
her daughter → Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her son

First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Obama is your 10th cousin four times removed.
→ Jimmy Lynn Jackson
your father → Leo Leo Jackson
his father → George Washington Jackson
his father → Mary Ann Jackson
his mother → Randolph E Bobbitt
her father → Nancy Sarah Bobbitt
his mother → Pvt. John Clifton, Jr.
her father → John William Clifton
his father → Cuthbert Clifton, Esq.
his father → Anne Clifton
his mother → Ann Maria Simpson
her sister → John "The Scotsman" Simpson
her son → Thomas Simpson, Jr.
his son → William Simpson
his son → John Simpson, Sr.
his son → Elizabeth Wyatt
his daughter → Vincent J. Wyatt Jr.
her son → Jane Shields
his daughter → Henry Wells Shields
her son → Charles Marion Shields
his son → Adolphus Theodore Shields
his son → Robert Lee Shields
his son → Purnell Nathaniel Shields
his son → Marian Lois Robinson
his daughter → First Lady Michelle LaVaughn Obama
her daughter

How neat is that? I'm tickled pink to be sixth cousin to Cynthia Curtis (Hicks)!

lol If you DNA tested and the tree is correct, we or our kin between us should show

I'm sorry Private User I didn't post your link in my post so you would know I posted your relationship with Obama. I think you were saying that you would like to know it because you couldn't see it. If I am wrong than I apologize for misinterpreting your post. Look above for the post.

I have 3 lines to him. I have DNA hits to him as well.


Here one if my Lines. I also Connect through Burkhammer or Berkheimer lines and another line in Dunham’s he has

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is your 6th cousin once removed.
→ Virginia Lee Bright (Myers)
your mother → Robert Levi Myers
her father → Allen Byrd "Bird" Myers
his father → Isaac Myers
his father → Elizabeth Betsy Myers
his mother → John Christopher Gutknecht
her father → Samuel Goodnight
his brother → Catherine Dunham
his daughter → Jacob Mackey Dunham
her son → Jacob William Dunham, III
his son → Ralph Waldo Emerson Dunham
his son → Stanley Armour Dunham
his son → Dr. Stanley Ann Obama
his daughter → Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
her son

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