Margery Norreys (Godfrey) - She was a Zombie Momma

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Friday, May 1, 2020
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  • Stephen R. Pain, Source:
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She had both her children after she died.

Tricky - I only tidied this record - as it was a mess from multiple-multiple mergings. I personally don't have time to unravel this at the moment - but I've mentioned this issue in the notes. I think the date of death might be wrong. Someone with super sleuthing skills should be able to unravel this, as there are very good records in Norfolk. The Find a Grave record says date of death unknown.

The other problem is the children - widely attributed to Margery. If she was 20 in 1515 - then sons born in 1525 and 1528 would make her 30 and 33 when they were born. Not common - but possible. Because there are so many descendants and a really good Historical society in Norfolk - I didn't want to change anything without some help from local historians.

The other thing I know about this is there was a lot of plague in this area at the time - people married multiple times due to high death rate - and lots of people had the same last name and/or last name. It's a bit like unravelling spaghetti sometimes.

The writer - Walter Rye - did a lot of work recording the history of the Norris family, well before computers and digitisation. I'm not convinced he had everything right. His work needs to be reviewed in depth.

There are a lot of Norris descendants from the United States. Most have drawn their information from Major Harry Alexander Davis, (see references) - it's acknowledged Davis had a rushed trip to England during the war, and his work contains lots of errors.

Walter Rye is the better historian to start with, as he lived and worked in the area.

I just looked and what I see is it said she died c. 1515 but then in the About notes that's the year listed as when she married her husband Thomas, so I think whoever posted the date of her death incorrectly.

I think so as well but wanted to get other opinions on the matter as I was not/am not 100% sure.

I think we should make it date of death unknown - That will stop the error. The mistake may have come from the American - Major Davis's notes during his three week visit to England. She has a gravesite - he real dat of death will be locatable. I'll put a note in that this was done.

I've had a look around, I think she may have died in 1549 - but I can't verify that without spending more time or money on it, The records that can be accessed easily for Congham - don't go back quite far enough..

Solved at least for now.

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