Private User Geni is a little different from other online family tree services because it is a communal tree where everyone works together to build a single world family tree. Geni allows for duplicate profiles to be merged together, and I suspect this is what has happened for your ancestors. Your ancestors must have overlapped with a relative's family tree and they got merged together. The benefit of this is that by merging individual trees together, you can have access to a far larger and more complete family tree than any individual researcher could compile by themselves and connect with relatives you never knew you had.
Here is an example of a duplicate from a profile that you worked on recently: https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000136699313821?return=match...
Here is some information on Geni's world family tree: https://www.geni.com/projects/Connecting-to-the-Big-Tree/17983 and https://www.geni.com/worldfamilytree/learn-more
and a guide on merging: https://www.geni.com/projects/User-Tutorial-Merge-Guide/35503
Best wishes from your second cousin 6 times removed's wife's first cousin's husband's fourth great niece's husband's great nephew!
Tamas Caldwell-Gilbert