Question about the birth date of Thomas "John" Thurston of Medfield

Started by Private User on Monday, June 1, 2020
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  • Private User
    Geni member

I have a question about the birth date of Thomas "John" Thurston of Medfield. In Brown Thurston's book "Thurston Genealogies" published 1880. It has conflicting ages for Thomas "John" Thurston. In an opening address by Hon. A.S. Thurston on page 11, it lists his age as 36 and Margaret's as 32. If that were the case then his year of birth would be 1601. Since they are listed as coming over in 1637. However in the examinations of passengers to New England on the "Mary Anne" of Yarmouth written by Mr. William Goose, it lists his age as 30 and hers as 32. Which should put his birth year at 1606 or 1607, depending on what calendar system was used for the document.
Could his birth date have been written down wrong when being taken from the original document? I.E. Could a 7 have been mistaken for a 1? Or since it is already assumed that he changed his first name due to persecution, could he have lied about his age to William Goose? If anyone share their knowledge on the topic it would be appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time!

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