Fredrika Heikintytär Haarala - Fredrika

Started by Shelly Ruspakka on Wednesday, June 24, 2020
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I am Fredrika's great great grand daughter. I've been researching her for about a year now, with a few bits and pieces of her identity found. But I'm still having trouble locating birth, marriage and death records. Also, her daughter (my great grandma (Sophia/Greta/Kreeta/Krata)) lists her mother as "unknown" on her marriage license, yet lists Matti Haarala as her father. Any information you have would be appreciated. Thank you, Pauliina, for the tax records!
Shelly Ruspakka

Dear Shelly,

Fredrika Heikintytär Haarala

It's me again. No wonder you haven't found Fredrika's birth record. If I got it right, she wasn't born in Alavieska, but in Ylivieska (where I live) and she moved to Alavieska in 1864 with her parents. I'll try to find more sources and update her profile. If not today, tomorrow then.

Marriage in Alavieska July 15, 1873 (left-hand page, number 14), Fredrika's name Haaraoja, spouse Puutio.

Birth (left-hand page), father's family name Koivukangas.

It was very typical in this area, that when people moved from one house to another their family names changed.

Yours, Pauliina

Oh, wow. Again, this is really, really helpful, Pauliina. I appreciate your knowledge and information! I imagined her name must have changed if I couldn't find records of her anywhere.

Thank you again, so much!


Dear Shelly,

Fredrika Heikintytär Haarala

Now Fredrika has parents, 3 half-brothers and one sister. Two of the brothers died young (Johannes and Saladin) and her sister Maria lived 1855-1858. Half-brother Heikki also moved to Alavieska in 1864 as a child, got married in 1870 and had 5 children. Only son Johan Henrik survived, others died.

Fredrika has half-brothers because her father was married twice.


Thank you so much, Pauliina. You've done more for my ancestry research than I could imagine, especially with not being able to travel freely now.

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