Anna van Kerckem, gravin van Aremberg - source for first name Anna

Начал Private User вторник, 14 июля 2020
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Private User
14.7.2020 в 11:51 до полудня

What is the source for the name Anna? All the sources that I have seen are clear on one thing: that the name of this lady is unknown and that she might have been a member of the Van Kerckem family, because of the arms that are given on her daughter Johanna's tombstone.

Mr. Dr. L. de Gou. "Johanna van Horne", in: De Nederlandsche Leeuw, LXXXIVe Jaargang, No. 4, april 1967, kol. 133-136, says (in Dutch): waarop behalve ‘het wapen van Van Gerwen en diens moeder ook afgebeeld stonden het wapen van Johanna van Horne - zijnde de drie jachthoorns waaroverheen een rechter schuinbalk - en dat van haar moeder, zijnde een schild beladen met Franse lelies. Aangezien laatstgenoemd wapen gevoerd werd door het adellijke geslacht Van Kerckem, dat oudtijds ook in het graafschap Horne woonachtig was, is het vermoeden gewettigd dat Jaoob II graaf van Home bij een vrouwelijk lid van dit geslacht zijn natuurlijke kinderen Johanna en Johan verkregen heeft. Gelet op deze adellijke afstamming van moeders,zijde, is het begrijpelijk dat deze natuurlijke kinderen gelegitimeerd werden

Van Aken naar Heden simply mentions: jonkvrouwe van Kerckem

I am curious to hear which source there is for the first name Anna

And I am curious to hear why the last name is given as van Kerckem rather than (possibly van Kerckem), so that is clearly shown that there is no absolute proof that the mother really belonged to that family

Private User
14.7.2020 в 11:53 до полудня

and what is the source for the title "gravin van Aremberg"? If there is no source then that title should be removed from the profile

Private User
15.7.2020 в 12:23 до полудня

One addition: Nederlands Adelsboek 1995, which has the most recent family tree for the noble Van Heurn family, gives Johan van Horne as illegitimate son of count Jacob II of Horne but explicitly mentions the mother as N.N.

15.7.2020 в 5:18 до полудня

I would not wait for answers Willem, change the woman's name to NN and blank out any other data fields. Then write a brief explanation for the About, maybe link also to this thread.
I can MP and lock the profile so it does not get turned into Anna again, which is otherwise s risk with people copying internet trees.

Private User
16.7.2020 в 11:04 после полудня

Alex Moes I cannot change the data fields, they are locked for editing by the curator. I have written a note (in Dutch) in the About field of the profile that I had created myself for this lady but that I am not able to merge because of the curator's lock. If a curator merges the two profiles then I assume automatically the About fields are merged and the About note is available in this profile as well. The alternative profile that can be merged is N.N.

17.7.2020 в 4:33 до полудня

Ok, I'll take a look over the weekend

17.7.2020 в 6:11 после полудня


I have merged the two profiles.

I have gone a step further and delete all name fields creating N.N.
I have done this because text other than names does not belong in the name fields. We can either have "van Kerckem" in the field with a note elsewhere that it is speculative or nothing.

I have also cleared the Occupation field and the "gravin van Aremberg", without sources we cannot say who this woman was nor her title.

The previous text of the MPs about was a page reference to Van Aken naar Heden.

17.7.2020 в 6:19 после полудня

I have added "Anna van Kerckem" to the AKA field, technically even if she never used the name herself she certainly is known by this name by some genealogists, however incorrectly.

I have not edited the Curator Note as if I do so it will lose the date/name of the earlier curator's edit.

Private User
17.7.2020 в 11:34 после полудня

thanks Alex Moes. I think it is OK this way

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