George Melchior Hoffer - Proving George Mechior Hoffer is a son of Matthias Hoffer

Started by Edwin Toth on Wednesday, July 22, 2020
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7/22/2020 at 6:45 PM

@George Melchior Hoffer

Proving George Mechior Hoffer is a son of Matthias Hoffer

Ancestry, Geni and other genealogical sites indicate George Mechior Hoffer (16Jul1764 – 31Mar1842) is the son of Matthias Hoffer) is a son of Matthias Hoffer (24Aug1718 – 19May1803). No documentary proof is offered.

I was hoping that the "Genealogy of Matthias Hoffer and His Descendents in the United States of America" (1868), by Isaac Hoffer; revised by Paul Huffard (1945) would provide that proof. I downloaded a copy from FamilySearch at

On page 15 six sons from marriage with Maria Wohlweider are listed:
1. Rudolph born June 7, 1746
2. John born Oct 25, 1757
3. George born July 20, 1759
4. Matthias born September 26, 1763
5. John born July 12, 1765
6. Christian born September 26, 1767

On page 17 - Rudolph Hoffer (First son of Matthias) with the first to survive being George Hoffer born 1774.
On page 19 - George Hoffer (Second son of Matthias) who married Catherine Hershey issue are listed.
On page 24 - Matthias Hoffer (Fourth son of Matthias) who only had daughters.
On page 25 - John Hoffer (Fifth son on Matthias).
And on page 30 - Christian Hoffer (Sixth son of Matthias).

Curiously John Hoffer, Matthias’s second son as indicated on page 15 is not included in the book. I have seen George Hoffer referred to as George Sr. which would indicate a there is a second George. Some genealogical sites indicate a second George. Searching through the whole book there no mention of George Mechior Hoffer (16Jul1764 – 31Mar1842).

So we have a puzzle to solve. The Mennonite Cards list the same children as on page 15. Matthias’s original will was in German which was only attested to on 4 May 1838 and proved on 7 Apr 1843. The children are not listed. No copy of the original German will has been located. DAR and SAR record copies do not show lineage through George Mechior Hoffer. DAR and SAR applications use George Hoffer married to Catherine Hershey.

We are left with three questions:
1. If George Mechior Hoffer is a son of Matthias Hoffer, why is he not listed?
2. Does George Mechior Hoffer belong to a different family group?
3. Just being listed on a genealogical site is not acceptable prove for DAR or SAR. Where might there me acceptable prove documentation?

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