Capt Henry Edward Heater I noticed that today you added another daughter "Jane" to General Rutherford's profile, and have her married to John Locke.
Can you share your sources for this? Because according to "General Griffith Rutherford and allied families, Harsh, Graham, Cathey, Locke, Holeman, Johnson [and] Chambers" (authored by a Rutherford family historian and published in 1942), his daughter, Jane Rutherford married Capt. James Cathey (DAR).
The Locke family is covered fairly well in the Rutherford history, with 2-3 "John Lockes" mentioned therein. The first (living in early 18th century) was said to have been occupied with shipping between London and Philadelphia. His wife was "Elizabeth" and they had five children: Matthew, Francis, George, Elizabeth, and Margaret. After he died in London, his widow removed from London to Philadelphia with all of her children, and later remarried to John Brandon. From Philadephia, this family moved to Rowan Co., NC (ca. 1750).
Three of the Locke children intermarried with the family of their stepfather, the Brandons. General Matthew Locke (of London) married Mary Eliza Brandon (his stepsister), and between 1750 and 1775 they reared 13 children of their own.
The eldest of Matthew's children, John Locke[, Jr. or II], married "Miss Alexander" and had a son. Here is his Geni profile:
Matthew's brother, Francis Locke (of London) was sheriff of Rowan Co., NC and married Anne Brandon. Francis also fought the Revolution and received wounds from which he never fully recovered. Francis moved to Tennessee along with the rest of the extended family, but later returned to NC where he died in Concord, NC. The third Locke brother from London, George, settled in Iredell Co., NC.
Besides the younger John Locke, Matthew Locke had other sons:
Lt. George Locke (died in the Revolution, killed by the British in 1780, left a son, Alexander). This profile should be researched and added to the appropriate projects, if possible.
Lt. Francis Locke (DAR) married Blanche Rutherford (daughter of General Griffith Loch Rutherford) Blanche Elizabeth Locke
Matthew Locke II, m. Margaret Pfifer
Richard Locke, m. "a Miss Cathey"
William Locke (m. Margaret Bell Bowman, daughter of Samuel Bowman, in 1808), whose daughter, Mary Locke, married James Griffith Cathey (I do not find Geni profiles for them, and I get the sense these families may not have been thoroughly, that is completely, researched here -- yet).
Matthew Locke also had a daughter, Jane Locke, who on April 11, 1791, married Roberth Weakley of Halifax Co., VA. This couple later moved to Tennessee along with the rest of the extended family.
Francis Locke of London (m. Blanche, daughter of General Rutherford) had a son named John Locke, but no further information is given for this John Locke.
Francis's granddaughter, Mary Blanche Locke, married John Griffith Cathey (here, she is called, "Mary Ann" Locke).
Francis's son James married Margaret Cathey, Griffith Rutherford Cathey's sister-in-law.
Francis's daughter, Mary Locke (b. 1788) married in 1806 Alexander Cathey (grandson of General Rutherford through Jane Rutherford and Capt. James Cathey).
No information is given in this family history for the third immigrant Locke brother, George Locke of London, who settled in Iredell County, NC.
I hope this is clear enough and not too much information at one time, because it helps me to look at the "big picture." I can't get much meaning from random fragments. Names, even with dates, are useless to me without reliable sources that are freely available.
Anyway, I had to take a closer look at this family when I saw the peculiar addition of another sister of the same name: Jane.