Slawa Ludwinowska (Brodowicz) - parents of Slawa Ludwinowska (Brodowicz?)

Started by Lee David Jaffe on Wednesday, July 29, 2020
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I'm continuing a thread started under the record of R' Benjamin Braude, A.B.D. Grodno who was, at that time, listed as the father of Slawa Ludwinowska. Slawa's mother was listed as Rachel Broide at the time listed as Benjamin's first wife. As of 7-29-20, as you can see, Slawa's parents are now listed as Sender / Alexander Broide (Benjamin's brother) and Rachel Mayer. There'd been some discussion under Benjamin's entry of available records and narratives indicated by different family trees that linked Slawa either to Icko Brodowicz or Benjamin. I don't understand the change attaching Slawa to Sender.

In separate entries, I will summarize the earlier discussion.

Here's an extract from my original post...

There are more that 2 dozen family trees that include Slawa in various genealogy sites. Most indicate her father was Benyamin Broda (spelled variously) 1745-1818 and her mother was Rachel Mayer b. 1760. None offer any documentary evidence, except for the link to the digitized version of Mishpahat Broda referenced there. ... Other trees report that Slawa's father was Ick (Icko or Isaac) Brodowicz (1775-1840). JRI-Poland includes a record for Ick's death in 1840 in Wiżajny, Suwalki, where Slawa lived. Ick's parents were Abram and Hydyna.

from a reply to my note:
Have a look at this profile Icko Brodowicz and what's written in the overview, it may help you.

and the note referenced:

For LDS film #752,653 (1832 Wizajny birth of Lejzer Ludwinowski), according to a reviewer of the Polish handwriting, the translator mistranslated the name of Lejzer's mother as Hanna insted of Slawa. However, Slawa's father is correctly translated as Icko.

The 1866 Wizajny Marriage Record of Jochyel Ludwinoowski (LDS film #1,199,521 Akt 4) lists "Brejd" as Slawa's father instead of Icko - but the translator has a question mark after the name, suggesting that he was unsure of his translation.

Moreover, we know that Icko's sister Szejna was born in 1834. This would be too late for the other dates to make sense, so something is incorrect about the lineage.

Lee David Jaffe,

What do you want to do with this issue?

Private User,

Do you know anything to help with this issue?

I'm new to Geni and do not understand some of its underlying mechanics, so some of the discussion and changes are mysterious to me.

I'm working with Mel Werbach, who is a 4th cousin and a contributor of many of the key details about these records. I think Mel should be the lead for any resolution or major changes to this record.

What I would like is to see some supporting sources for the existing records and the recent changes. Why would Slawa's record be unlinked as a child or Benjamin and moved to his brother Sender's offspring? And since we still don't know anything about Rachel Mayer why would her link as wife of Benjamin also move to Sender? If there is good reason, I'd like to see that info.

Lee David Jaffe,

We need to wait for Samuel to chime in with his suggestions.

I don't think that we will get an answer until either Friday or early next week because of Tisha B'Av.


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