Family Stories say that his wife was Sarah Addair. Yet some have claimed a second marriage to Peggy Anderson
I have been doing additional research on John King and that research almost certainly shows that he had only
one wife and she was Sarah Addair. This research into John King 1759-1843 encompasses at least 100 pages and many supporting documents. Interestingly, the record on this site shows his birth place as White Plain, Charles County Maryland. We have yet to be able to confirm his place of birth, but we have determined that his father's name was likely also John King and we have narrowed down candidates for his father to several John King's in Maryland. Family Records do not show a son of John King, Jr. His children were
Hendry D King, Elizabeth King who married Jacob Schilling, Rosanna King, Massa King who married Samuel Wimmer, Nancy King who married Stephen Burnett, Mahala King who married Isaac Wimmer, and Catherine King who married Joseph L King