Mary Broyles (Willheit, Willhoit) - Did she marry brothers?

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
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8/5/2020 at 7:24 AM

Thank you

8/5/2020 at 7:28 AM

Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Aug 5 2020, 14:19:54 UTC


Research Note: Did she marry brothers? Does she her FindaGrave memorial need merged? Does there need to be two separate Geni profiles for her/them?

6/4/2021 at 2:57 PM

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 NO, Mary Wilhoite, daughter of Tobias Wilhoite and Catherine _______ did not marry Cyrus. She was married to Adam Broyles. Adam and Cyrus were brothers but they did not marry the same person. My research shows that Cyrus Broyles married three times: (1) Mary ________; (2) Jean/Jenny Reed/Reid; and (3) Mary "Polly" Marony.

6/4/2021 at 3:33 PM

Bringing attention to the profile.
Once sources are added and they look correct, someone will need to fix it. A PRO Geni user can disconnect or one can ask a curator for assistance

9/24/2021 at 12:02 PM

Pulling this from the About--

''''daughter of Tobias Wilhoit and Catherine ______ of Culpeper Co. VA -Proven by DNA

'''''DNA does not prove ancestors unless their graves were dug up and DNA samples were taken and analyzed.
'''There were several Mary Wilhoits. Mary Wilhoit, daughter of Tobias Wilhoit and Catherine ________, most likely married Cyrus Broyles. ''This info. is in two different publications. Adam Broyles died circa 1782 and he and Mary ____ had children 1749-1767 so Mary Wilhoit could not have married Adam and then Cyrus especially since Adam Broyles did not die until 1782.'' ''Adam left a Will and does not mention a wife but leaves inheritances for his children and lists them by name. '''Additionally, Mary Wilhoit, daughter of Adam Wilhoit and Catherine Broyles married William Carpenter (aka Wilhelm'' Zimerman) according to Hebron Lutheran Church Records. Mary Wilhoit, daughter of Tobias and Catherine ____ most likely married Cyrus Broyles because they named a son Tobias whereas Adam Broyles and his wife Mary did not - at least not that anyone knows.'''
* Reference: [ Find A Grave Memorial] - [ SmartCopy]: ''Aug 5 2020, 14:19:54 UTC''


'''Research Note: Did she marry brothers? NO
Does she her FindaGrave memorial need merged? NO
Does there need to be two separate Geni profiles for her/them?~CHCurtis8/2020''''''' Yes


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