Does anyone have any sources for children of Jacob Jacob Katzenellenbogen, of Keidaniai ?
My 7th gg - Chackiel - is listed as the son of Moreinu Rabbanu Jankiel (no surname listed) on the 1765 and 1784 Ariogala poll tax listings. (Chackiel == Ezekiel / Yechezkel).
Given timing, priximity to Keidaniai, the fact that both familiest were cohanim, repeated names ("my" Chackiel's son is Jankiel), and the fact that my ancestors seem to have held a bunch of communal positions in the town (sztarzy, szkolnic, kantor etc) - is it possible that my ancestor was a son of R Jacob?
Note that R Jacob's father, Yechezkel passed away in 1749, but there appear to have been other grandchildren named after him during his lifetime.
Leaving here in case useful: I checked in Da'at Kedoshim (Eisenstadt, 1897), and it goes through the Katzenellenbogen lineage down to Yekhezhel. It gives his children's names, but doesn't go further, unfortunately.
The book is digitized at archive.org - https://archive.org/details/daatkedoshim00eise
I know.
I've emailed my cousins again to bug them.
I've emailed Dr Rosenstein again as well; hopefully he'll have time to answer. Although I really hate bugging him because it's time taken away from his work.
In the meantime, I've downloaded some relevant sforim off of Hebrewbooks.org. Nothing in Markovitz' Rabbis of Keidan. Didn't spot anything in Yesh Manchilim, either. I'm now plowing through Avot Ateret Lebanim, which isn't as accessible as Daat Kedoshim, unfortunately. I wish there were indices!
If you haven't yet checked Utsr HaRabanim, this would be recommended also (has an index): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5r4ijmx6nd4zezu/Friedman_Utsr_HaRabanim.p...
Looks like no option but to press on with the yDNA angle. You may want to refer to the project on GENI which I sponsor to show that there is substance to the idea: https://www.geni.com/projects/Rabbinical-Lineages-yDNA-and-Haplogro....
Looks like no option but to press on with the yDNA angle. You may want to refer to the project on GENI which I sponsor to show that there is substance to the idea: https://www.geni.com/projects/Rabbinical-Lineages-yDNA-and-Haplogro....
On another related tack: I am working with a co-researcher who is a descendant of the Ba'al Knesset. I compared you to her on FamilyFinder and you have enough matching to so predict with 59% certainty a relationship in one of these categories:
: 6C 6C1R 5C 6C2R 4C1R 5C1R 7C Half 3C2R 4C2R 5C2R 7C1R 3C3R 4C3R 5C3R 8C or more distant
According to a hypothetical tree I built using your tree and hers, you would be 8C2R so that means that the FF result at least supports your working hypothesis.
If you contact me at haplo@xyvy.info I can detail this further.
My cousins still haven't responded to my emails (that's not unusual, they often don't check email regularly). I'll see if I can get in touch by phone next week.
I find that I match quite strongly with any random person with Litvish ancestry (typically at least 60cM), so not sure if your co-researcher's match is indicative or not. I'll email you though.