rabi Abba Mari "Don Astruc" ben Moses Yarhi de Lunel (de Lunel) - Many mistakes in this branch

Started by Haim Wartski, HaCohen on Sunday, September 13, 2020
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9/13/2020 at 10:53 PM

According to the information I found in several sources the identity of his grandfather and all the profiles from him onwards are incorrect.
This is the information I found:
his father was indeed:R' moshe,but:moshe father was:
Grandson of:
רבי יוסף
From him to Rabbi Shem Tov from Barcelona(his profile):
רבי שם טוב
All the profiles between them are correct
I do not know which of the curators is knowledgeable about this, but because it is a whole branch that according to the information I found is incorrect, and this concerns many people who belong to this branch,
I would be very happy for the issue to be examined

Private User
9/14/2020 at 5:42 AM

ccing Randy Schoenberg.

There's a lot of forgery on this branch by people trying to claim Davidic descent. Cleaning it up is a huge job though, unfortunately.

9/14/2020 at 6:03 AM

Private User
I talked with Naftali Wakstein, he knows I want my family tree to show only reliable and correct information (and not fantasies of people who forged many things to connect their family to King David), at his request, I sent him the family tree in this branch.
Anyway, I would love if anyone is knowledgeable on the subject, will check and write his opinion.

you are right, correcting the mistakes requires a lot of work, but we all want the information in geni to be real, so there will be no choice but to correct this branch.

Private User
9/14/2020 at 6:32 AM

Only thing I know for sure is that we'll have around 100,000 people yelling at us if we just cut the branch without putting documentation in the profiles. Maybe even then. :)

9/14/2020 at 6:51 AM

Private User

For me, reliable rabbinical literature, it is a reliable source, I always try to verify information from several sources, if I am 90% sure and no more, I indicate this in the information in the same profile
I was now looking at myheritage in the profile of my great-grandfather (3): admor dovid morgenstern.
If you saw the amount of mistakes (and fakes) that exist in his profile you would be furious.
The problem is that they later Merge the profiles in myheritage and geni and these mergers cause many mistakes and forgeries in profiles that people like me work so hard to open.

Private User
9/14/2020 at 7:50 AM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen and Private User I suppose you guys are refering to the descendants of the Maluenda branch of Burgos who have been linked (theoretically) as descendants of Crespin Astruc, Ha Levi

According to various Spanish and Argentine genealogists among them being Mario Saban https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Javier_Saban, the real surname of the “Truchas” of Catalonia from where the Maluendas de Burgos descend is Astruc / Astruch, descendants of the HaLevi Benveniste, perhaps through Vidal Astruc de Perpignan, France born circa 1230 who settled in Barcelona and left his descendants there , married to Tolosana Benveniste daughter of Vidal Benveniste da Porta, or perhaps through Astruc Bonsenyor or through Abba Mari "Don Astruc" descendants of the HaLevi-Benveniste.

Here are some of the sources that make this claim (all are in Spanish unfortunately):




Haim Wartski, HaCohen if your research has led you to conclude that the Maluendas are not descendants of rabbi Abba Mari Don Astruc, feel free to attach Abraham Astruc de Catalonia to Vidal Astruc of Perpignan from whom there is actually a higher chance that the Maluendas descend.

Best regards,

Private User
9/14/2020 at 7:58 AM

Private User We're actually talking about the ancestors of the "don Astruc" tree, rather than the descendants (which could very well be accurate).

There was a person on here a number of years ago who claimed to be some sort of expert, and made a large (many thousands) number of profiles that are either clearly inaccurate (i.e. misunderstanding how Hebrew names work) or are based off of a book from the 1970s that basically created "history" out of thin air.

Private User
9/14/2020 at 8:12 AM

Private User oh ok. Wanted to add this information I just provided because it was me that linked the Maluendas to Crespin Astruc theoretically having seen the Abba Mari "Don Astruc" was already linked here in Geni to the Ha-Levi-Benveniste branch.

After I continued researching possible Astruc/Astruch branches in Spain I came to conclude actually that there is a higher possibility the Maluendas descend from Vidal Astruc of Perpignan having confirmed myself who the ancestors of Vidal Astruc of Perpignan were and where did they ended up residing, something I was never able to do with the ancestors of rabi Abba Mari Don Astruc

9/14/2020 at 9:01 AM

Private User
Thank you
As Jeremy wrote to you, there's a whole branch problem here that many thousands of people are connected to, and the information is probably incorrect.
Private User
In the rabbinical genealogy group in Israel, someone wrote to me that to the best of his knowledge R' Yitzhak Isaac the Blind, Father of Kabbalah, had no children
I tried to look for information about him, I found, but nowhere was it written whether or not he had children.

Private User
9/14/2020 at 9:29 AM

Haim Wartski, HaCohen yes I remember researching the same thing and never found the descendants of Isaac the Blind.

Is this Rabbi Shem Tov from Barcelona(his profile): רבי שם טוב you mentioned Abba Mari descends from possibly the same as Shem Tov Ha-Levi Hitzhari or?

9/14/2020 at 9:42 AM

Private User
According to the information I found Rabbi Abba Mari was a descendant of Rabbi Shem Tov from Barcelona,

Private User
9/14/2020 at 10:19 AM

So Abba Mari was indeed a descendant of Shem Tov Ha-Levi Hitzhari?

Is it possible for you also to research if Rabbi Avraham HaLevi ben Zechariah is the same as the Abraham ben Yehuda Abenlabi found in this tree https://www.geni.com/photo/view?album_type=photos_of_me&id=6000...?

I have never been able to find who are the ancestors of the "de la Caballeria" branch of Aragon, Spain. That tree I showed you in the geni link is as far as I have been able to go with the Abenlabi/de la Caballeria lineage of Spain

9/14/2020 at 12:14 PM

Private User
According to the information I found Rabbi Abba Mari was a descendant of Rabbi Shem Tov from Barcelona(his profile:)
רבי שם טוב

9/14/2020 at 12:21 PM

Private User
Possibly: Shem-Tov Tov HaLev
Shem Tov Ha-Levi Hitzhari
רבי שם טוב
They are the same person and need to merge between the profiles, but, the way to them is wrong and full of mistakes and need a curator that knowledgeable on the subject that will make order in all the mistakes and correct everything

9/14/2020 at 7:54 PM

Private User,

Can you help here?


9/14/2020 at 10:18 PM

Randy Schoenberg
Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Private User
In my opinion, in order To check and verify the branch needs to start checking whether
Melech Shem Tov Stern, HaKohen
He really is the father of
Nevia Ashkenazi
And is really David Astruc de l'Estoile
David Astruc de l'Estoile
He's the father of melech shem tov

One thing I know for sure: that Yitzhak Isaac the Blind, Father of Kabbalah his father: Abraham ben David "Rabad" or "Rabad III and his father R' david
They are not the ancestors of Rabbi abba mari His ancestors are as I wrote at the beginning of the post
And someone opened duplicate profiles To the profiles that kevin opened and the same person caused even greater confusion in this big branch

Private User
12/27/2021 at 10:07 PM

I am following a path to Crispin through Abraham Astruc de Catalonia and cannot find sources for this relationship. Perhaps one of you with knowledge of this topic would be willing to help figure out fact vs. fiction?: https://www.geni.com/discussions/243011

Private User
12/28/2021 at 5:06 AM

Most of that genealogy is completely fictional.

I looked a little further up the tree. The genealogy of Rabbi Abba Mari "Don Astruc" ben Moses Yarhi de Lunel doesn't match what is known of his ancestry at all (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abba_Mari). In particular, his paternal great-grandfather was a Cohen, which absolutely excludes the possibility of him being a Levite.

Private User
12/28/2021 at 5:14 AM

It should go:

1. Abba Mari
2. His father Moses
3. His father Joseph
4. His father Meshullam ben Jacob of Lunel.

As far as I know, no maternal lines are known anywhere there, and additionally, nothing further back is known beyond R Meshullam (who died in Lunel in 1170).

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