In the US arrival documentation and citizenship documentation Karl disclosed that he was born in Helsinki. He boarded the boat in Helsinki in 1911 with the name Hyvärinen which he gives as his previous last name in the US. In the US he states his forster parents were Maria and Aaro Halme. The Finnish passport application discloses to us that he was in fact born in Tuusniemi. There is Tuusniemi research about those who moved to the US. Research is available in the local library. On page 1973 1986 1 we can find a Mr. Kalle Petter Hyvärinen, born 10.1.1892. His dad was Petter Hyvärinen, born 17.11.1866 Tuusniemi and mom Anna Josefiina nee Holopainen born 13.9.1870. Anna and Petter were married 28.10.1888. But Anna passed away 13.3.1898 when Kalle was only 6 years old. Kalle had a brother Otto. That private research also shows that father Petter moved to Viaborg early 1900. Alone.
So, it would make sense that boys were given to foster and father left.
In the US documentation Karl had also stated that he had a cousin in the US: The Tuusniemi reasearch tells us that two Mr Mikko Hyvärinens had moved to the US prior to Karl's trip in 1911. One born 9.5.1886 and died 10.4.1957 and another one born 13.1.1896 and died in the US (date not known).
Otto Hyvärinen had a son early 1920's and Karl and Hulda Halme visited Finland in early 1920's.
Finally we have an issue with the date of birth. Is it possible that the passport application had a wrong date. There is a Kaarlo Hyvärinen born Nov 26, 1892. My conclusion is that dates or individuals have been confused by the priest and Kalle Petter did not bother. Thus I am tempted to change this and connect Karl Peter Halme with relatives of Kalle Petter Hyvärinen born Jan 10.1892.