Veronika, personally I think all of Norway is descended from him, my 26th grandad!
Click the arrow next to the relationship to you, then click the button that says something like Show 25 relatives. Then you can click each one going back from yourself and determine the accuracy for yourself and do further research if you wish, perhaps contacting some of the profile managers.
It is impossible to prove that there are living descendants of Harald Hårfagre today. The sources used are said to be untrustworthy by most of todays medeival and viking historians.
How you check? You find trustworthy sources for every link betrween yourself and the person Geni tells you are a descendant from. Sometimes the source is written in the Geni profile already, which makes it easy to do the verification, sometimes there are no sources and we have to find the source ourselves or ask the profileadministrators where they have their information from. Just like what Kitty say. Generally speaking, for persons living before 1600, the fewer administrators the profile has, less trustworthy the information is.
That makes more sense. It will only be possible if we have some biological material, like blood or something with can compare our DNA with. Why does they put the relative connection like this? I have the strangest bloodline and don't how and where to find out if this is trustworthy. I know my family by my mothers side. But on my father's side it is mostly unknown.
Start with the the persons closest to you, get the elder people in your family to tell you the stories they remember from their childhood when their grandparents told about how it was when they were children. Make a recording of these conversations since you will not remember it all and it will take to long time to write it all down while they are telling the stories. Feed them with coffee and cakes and ask a question when they pause in the storytelling.
When you have the names and livingplace of people born before 1910, you can find them in the 1910-census on digitalarkivet.no Fromthere on you use the censuses in 1910, 1890, 1875, 1865 and 1801 combined with the use of the churchbooks that are all scanned and published on digitalarkivet.no
Din farsfars far Hans Olai Nilsen Myrvang er stedet det stopper hos deg på din farslinje her på Geni. Det kan jo godt henne at du vet dette allerede, men her er han , hans søsken og foreldre i 1865-tellingen: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/census/person/pf01038394000730 og her er dåpen hans i Lenvik kirke, nr. 73 døpt 3. juli 1853: https://www.digitalarkivet.no/kb20050310030587
Så kanskje du fikk litt hjelp videre. Lykke til.