Thomas Chalkley had for a second wife, the widow Brown(e), born Martha Spicer : Martha Chalkey
They were married in Colonial America, Phila. I believe.
But >>> There were Quaker Spicers of London (!)
see: England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837 for William Spicer
London, Middlesex
Piece 0330: Quarterly Meeting of London and Middlesex: Burials (1720-1758)
William Spicer erstwhile servant of Benjamin Calloway who drowned at age 7th July 1723 . He was of Bermondsley, parish St. Magdalen, which was the very same location of Thomas Chalkey's.. at an early age..
I write this to suggestthat there may have been a Chalkley-Spicer family Quaker family connection from back in Southwark.