Consistency Check:Birth date of Hester Wouters Vlietland and her sister Ariaantge Vlietland are within 8 months.
Birth date of Hester Wouters Vlietland and her sister Maritge Vlietland are within 8 months.
Birth date of Sara Woutersdr Vlietland and her sister Ariaantge Vlietland are within 8 months.
Birth date of Sara Woutersdr Vlietland and her sister Maritge Vlietland are within 8 months.
Baaltje Cornelis Lauwe Haertsen is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Hester Wouters Vlietland.
Baaltje Cornelis Lauwe Haertsen is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Sara Woutersdr Vlietland.
Baaltje Cornelis Lauwe Haertsen is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Ariaantge Vlietland.
Baaltje Cornelis Lauwe Haertsen is over 55 years old for the birth of her child Maritge Vlietland.