Per the Braswell Genealogy website:
Reverend Robert's wife is often referred to as "REBECCA IZARD". The records prove that this is not true.
1. Rebecca (maiden name unknown) was the 1st wife of Roger Bagnall. Roger's will is dated 1647, and he presumably died that same year.
2. Rebecca later married Richard Izard, who was appointed guardian of REV Robert Bracewell's minor heirs, Richard and Robert, who were appointed executors of their father's will. Bracewell's will is dated 15 Feb 1667 and was probated May 1, 1668. By the 9th of June 1669, Richard Izzard had died and his will was probated by his wife Rebecca.
3. James Bagnall, son of Roger Bagnall and Rebecca his wife, was the husband of Ann Bracewell, daughter of REV Robert Bracewell. (See Bracewell's will dated 1667 on this site)
1647 - ROGER BAGNALL, Will, 19 Oct. 1647, To wife Rebecca Bagnall 2 cows and 2 heifers, wife to give each child a yearling heifer to run for their use which shall be in year 1649; to wife all goods and house hold stuff, crops, corn, tobacco, hogs land and plantation until my son James Bagnall shall be a lawful heir; to James Bagnall when of age the plantation I live on. Teste, Joseph Weeks, Charles Stewart. (IOW Will Abstracts Book A)
1669 - Will of Richard IZARD dated 22 May 1669, "beinge Sicke in Body." To two daughters Mary IZARD & Martha ISARD Two third parts of all my proper estate either in land or chattles or my other goods whatsoever belongeth unto mee. To wife Rebecca IZARD the other third part of my estate and if in case that either of my daughters Mary & Martha shall dye before they come of age that then my will is that the survivor of the aforsd Mary & Martha shall have the aforesd two thirds parte of estate wholly & solitee only it is my will that if any one of my daughters by surviving obtayne the two thirds of my estate as aforesd That then the daughter so surviving shall pay out of the aforesd two thirds unto James BAGNALL the sonne of James BAGNALL two thousand pounds of Tobacco alsoe that two daughters Mary & Martha remaine with their Mother and also the divident of my estate bequeathed as aforesd and she to have the charge of it, untill they come to age. Wife Rebecca IZARD executrix, and Sonne in law James BAGNALL be overseer of will. Witnesses John BURWELL, Richard (his mark) ANGLEE Proved & Recorded 9 June 1669. Bk. 2, p. 69.
1670 - Mrs. Rebecka IZARD, Patent 250 acres, Isle of Wight Co. 14 Sept. 1670.
1675 - Will of Rebecah IZARD dated 20 Oct. 1675 "being sick in body." "After daughter Rebeccah BAGNALL's estate be taken out of the whole estate of mine and daughter Martha IZARD & the debts paid then the estate to be equally divided betwixt me & my aforesd Daughter Martha IZARD then out of my proportion I give as followeth: To Rebeccah BAGNALL & Mary BENNETT & Martha IZARD & James BAGNALL the sonne of James BAGNALL, Nehemiah HUNT, the sonne of Godfrey HUNT & Elizabeth REEVES, the daughter of Henry REEVES all my proportion of estate before expressed to be equally divided betwixt them and my will is that my sonne James BAGNALL, Henry REEVES, & Ambrose ? be my overseers to see this my will performed. Wit. John BURWELL, Wm. WESTAN. Proved 20 Oct. 1675. Bk. 2, p.135
Kind regards,