Anissa Pawlovna

Started by Jouni Sibakow on Sunday, November 8, 2020
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11/8/2020 at 12:01 PM

Olisin kiinnostunut henkilöstä Anissa Pawlovna. Asui Pietarissa. Iso-isosetäni Timotei (Tima) Orlov 1868-1916 oli hänen huollettavanaan opiskellessaan Pietarissa. Hän ilmeisesti lopulta asettui taloksi Anissa talouteen. Tähän on viitattu Rautulaisten lehdessä nro.6 1959. En löytänyt tietoa Anissasta mistään. Onko tämä henkilö jollekin teistä tullut vastaan jossain yhteydessä?
Anissa mainitaan upporikkaaksi joka asui Pietarissa, hovimaisessa kartanossa.

11/8/2020 at 12:41 PM

Please share for us scan or citation from this newspaper, that You mention.
By way, Anissa is a rare name, but "Pawlovna" is NOT a family name, but a patronym.

11/8/2020 at 12:44 PM

Alright. I will try to put it in this debate in the morning. Can I add image files to this conversation?

11/8/2020 at 1:48 PM

You may place a link to the cloud share.

11/9/2020 at 3:12 AM

The first mention on page 11 only?
I'm sorry, this is unidentifiable, IMHO.

11/9/2020 at 3:14 AM

If the address where he lived in Petersburg was known ...

11/9/2020 at 3:38 AM

I dont know adress

11/9/2020 at 8:48 AM

Это он ?Тимофей-Орлов/6000000122021215920

Похоже это дело о нём

Выпуск 1887 года Орлов Тимофей Тимофеевич
Крайние даты документов: 1879–1887
Количество листов: 1

В этом деле может быть и об опекунах , и где жил

11/9/2020 at 9:07 AM
Анисса Павловна, я думаю Анисья Павловна . Но по-фински не понимаю .

11/9/2020 at 9:17 PM

YesТимофей-Орлов/6000000122021215920 is right Timofei. He is my great-uncle.

That woman name may be Anisya Pavlovna. The name can be written in Finnish differently.

Thank you very much for this informationand a link to the archives of St. Petersburg. . Cyrillic texts create inconveniences and make it difficult to find information. Fortunately, there is a google translator.

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