Edward Ogden, Junior - Married at 11?

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Friday, December 11, 2020
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Profiles Mentioned:

  • Source: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/155199807/person/172250164944
    Geni member
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Edward Ogden, Junior married when he was only 11 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth (born circa 1563) or marriage date or marriage status of the profile (Edward Ogden, Junior).

1563 as his dob does fit in with the dates of his sibling's births and his parent's child bearing ages. However if you consider 1563 as the date of his birth being true then he was age 7 when he died in 1570. So no he didn't marry at age 11.

What year did he marry? He has a wife. Is his death and/or birthdate correct? Do you have any sources? Before this merge https://www.geni.com/merge/view?revision_id=71922864480 there was no death date. What is your source for the death date Private User ? Thank you for responding.

His profile says he died 4/17/1570. It also says he died in infancy. I was looking over the birth dates of his siblings to see if there was a glaring discrepancy that might mean he was born much earlier than 1563 when I noticed the date of his death. I'm sorry I don't have any sources. I have to wonder if the wife mentioned on his profile is actually his mother since both he and his father share the same first name and his mother and wife are both named Margaret although the maiden names don't match. Also there's a whole thread about Bradley Plain where is was supposed to have been born never existing. Good luck in your search.

If you look at the revisions you will see that prior to the merge I mentioned no death date is listed. I am going to remove that death date cause there is no source stating that he died at that time.

Also if you look at his father it says that he died in 1570.

According to their profiles Edward Jr died in April of 1570 and Sr died in December 1570. The master profile that the Edward Ogden Jr profile was merged into had a date of death if I recall. You might be interested in this book. It is free to read online. This branch of the Ogden family is mentioned on page 8. It says Edward Jr died in infancy and that his brother John Ogden married Margaret Huntington.

Private User I have fixed it. Thank you for your collaboration .

Prior to helping unravel the issue of Edward Jr. having a wife I shared a blood relationship with this branch of the Ogden family. I no longer do. I'm going to guess my connection was through John Ogden since he is no longer attached to any descendants that. I don't know if there is any way to see if there was an actual relationship or if it was a part of an inconsistency in the tree. Erica Howton Thoughts?

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