I just read where her father was unlikley named Ludgate. That was just the Parish where she was from - St. Martin Ludgate. It is discussed at this link: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/770755/good-evidence-valentia-sparkes-...
Basically, from what I've read, no one has found any documentation of her parents but think it more likely her father was probably named William, but still nothing actually connecting her to him either. That name, as dicussed at the link above, is based on records for a William Sparke, draper, and her marriage record indicates her father was a draper with surname Sparke.
Her marriage record doesn't even name her father:
[1596] July 7 Leonall Branche of London, Gent. & Valentia Sparke of St Martin, Ludgate, sd City, Spr, dau. of [blank] Sparke, late of sd City, Draper, decd; Gen Lic.
Based on this, it would be best to disconnect her for speculative parents until some actual evidence turns up.