At the end of 1827, HA proclaimed his marriage to LSM Jeekel in the municipality of Hellevoetsluis. This was also advertised in the daily paper of 's-Gravenhage. Interestingly, there is no record of the actual marriage in the Hellevoetsluis documents of 1827 or 1828 (see "Netherlands, Zuid-Holland Province, Civil Registration, 1679-1942," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-6RH3-KJT?cc=1576401&am... : 8 July 2014), Hellevoetsluis > Huwelijken 1812-1834 > image 311 of 467; Nationaal Archief, Den Haag (National Archives, The Hague).)
It's probable that they married in another municipality, but which one? I've already checked 's-Gravenhage, Warmond, Hillegom, Leiden and Warmond, but there are an awful lot of other municipalities in the Netherlands...
Maarten Schaap was the captain of the ship that HA and LSM took to Indonesia directly after they made their 2nd proclaimation. His diary was published in the book "Maarten Schaap, een Katwijker ter koopvaardj (1782-1870) - Een biografie en een dagboek".
On page 176, the list of passengers for this trip named LSM as "juffrouw L. Jeekel" which means she was unmarried at the time of the trip.
On LSM's return the the Netherlands after HA's death in 1835, she had the same captain, and on page 178 she is addressed as "mevrouw de weduwe".
This means they either got married on the ship, or in Indonesia. If they were married on the ship, one would have expected the captain to mention it in his diary, which he didn't. Also, the captain would have been required to deposit the marriage certificate with the authorities upon his return to the Netherlands, and we already know there are no marriage records in the Netherlands.
This means they either got married in Indonesia, and there is no evidence of this, or they never got married, which is unlikely because LSM got a pension...