Years ago I researched the Friday / Fridig line but no longer have those notes. However, the parents attached here are not the ones I found for this Fredeick Friday. I'm a descendant of his daughter Mary Ann (Friday) Sumrall and when I traced her ancestry years ago, they match what is rfound for this Frederick Friday:
I was able to trace the Friday / Fridig line back to Bern, Switzerland where they had lived for hundreds of years before anyone immigrated to America.
Not only is the line to the other Frederick at the link above the one I believe is correct for the father of Mary Ann Sumrall, but my DNA results confirm my DNA from Switzerland and that line is the only Swiss ancestry I have.
If you have anything documenting the parents attached to this Frederick as his correct parents, please share that by posting it in his About section. I wish I had all my notes from years ago that I could now post in Geni, especially regarding the research done of these Friday / Fridig lines.
I did some searching online to see if I could find info that matches what I have had for years on these lines and I found this site:
It shows Frederick's father correctly as Gabriel and has a lot of family info.