Please, don't attach this Vladimir Ushakov to account of http://www.geni.com/people/Федор-Ушаков/6000000026062654559 , because Feodor Ushakov hadn't known wives or children.
It's a very thin matery about descends of prominent and celebrated persons. So hand-written trees is not to be use in this case. Expecially by alleged descendants of noble, who emigrated from their home countries, despite of reasons (voluntarily or forcibly).
Ushakov surname is not predominantly restricts to family of Feodor Ushakov only. In Russian Empire many peasants, for example, in the villages, whose owners was nobles, taken their surname (by 1850s) from many sources, including taken their names from surname of their owners.
So it's not necessary means that all Ushakovs are descendants (same, well-documented lines not necessary have common male line ancestors. DNA analyses of cleary shows, that people with same surname may have different haplogroup)
Persons descends from Vladimir Ushakov, whom you listed, I could not find in known and available online lists of Russian nobles, owners of villages, state and military persons. Persons's profiles have not information about their birth/living/death dates, places, which their live or other such key information to proper identification.
Wives or children (legitimate or illegitimae) of Feodor Ushakov are not known now by modern or contemporary (of him) sources, not listed in memoirs of his contemporaries or other reputable sources.
Hand-maded family tree are taken often from human memory, with it's natural limitations and restrictions.
May be some person in past heard about their descent from Ushakov family, but not know about whom exactly was their ancestors. And may be somebody
It's a question of prestige, are you ancestor - is celebrated person or not. Many people (maybe all people in different situations) tend to come up with things that don't really exist or embellish facts. This is how legends are created.
someone composed a legend of origin from the ushakov fedor, and then this legend was transmitted in subsequent generations and everyone in that family thinks that this is true.
First, write about what is that family of creators of this family tree you talk about, and attach to profile of Vladimir scanned images of this family trees (if it's possible). If it's true,
But not attach Vladimir to Feodor until descent was not confirmed by quite true facts and documents.
Also it's preferable to translate names from English to "native" Russian for easier search by others, exp. Russian residents, who works or will work with primary sources.
With best regards, Dmitry