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Re: Josiah Wallis might be linked to wrong parents
Managers of Josiah Wallis,
In this guy's profile comments, one of the sources of his marriage and kids is The John Wallis Family of Cape Anne, Mass NEHGR Vol 152 p 286 (p .. but in that article he is the son of John Wallis of Gloucester, Mass (p288) and his family group on p 296.
And the profile that should be his father has a son Jonathan married to an Elizabeth Woodbury who is locked in the family group but doesn't show up in any sources checked.
I was trying to go through the Andrews and the Wallis families but there seem to be too many errors locked... So someone should go through the first 4 gens and sort out. Pay attention to what is written in the profile comments, because many times what is locked isn't what is written in the comments.