
Started by Aija Iliaana Walling on Monday, January 18, 2021
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Onko täällä ketään, joka tietäisi enemmän Wallingin kylästä Pietarin alueella? Omat juureni tulevat suoraan Ruskealan alueelta ja sain aivan hiljattain tietää, että Pietarissa on ollut paljon Wallingeja myös, eikä kukaan sukuni tutkijoista osaa sanoa tulevatko nämä suvut samasta linjasta alkujaan vai eivät. Yhteisiä DNA-matheja löytyy muutamia, mutta Karjalan alueella ihmiset ovat liikkuneet niin paljon, että yhteys voi tulla muutakin kautta kuin Wallingin linjasta. Kaikki tiedot tästä nimestä ja tästä kylästä ovat tervetulleita!


Aija Walling

Hei siellä! En tiedä, mitä haluat tietää.

If you are interested, I provide information search services in the archives of Russia and, in particular, St. Petersburg.

Translation of the previous message of mine in English:
I wonder if anyone here knows anything about the village called Walling(e/i) in the St. Petersburg area? My roots are mainly in Ruskeala, but I recently discovered that there is plenty of people with the same surname in the St. Petersbourg lutheral chuch books.
My relatives that have been searching our roots haven't yet proved a connection via church books between our line and the one in St. Petersburg, but we share DNA between people that are relatives of the St. Petersburg's Wallings. But as most families at that time our family too was moving a lot so the connection can be via different line too, not necesserily Wallings.
Every note and detail about the name and the village is more than welcome!

Looking forward to co-operate in family search with you!
Aija Walling

Hello ,

Our last name was originally Wälling. This name was given in 1826 in Saaremaa, Koikla manor, Ratla village, Estonia. During the Soviet era, the name simply changed to Välling, without W.
Usually German landlords and church teachers did not used a letter such as "ä" . But this mansion Koikla ( Koikull) had Swedish roots landlord. The name Välling means baby food in Swedish , it is somway funny name.There are over 30 people with such a surname (Välling) in Estonia and they are all blood relatives. The roots of all of them come from the village of Ratla in Saaremaa. Unfortunately, I have not heard of a village named Walling village in St. Petersburg County . I know that in Stockholm is the Vällingby district, which means the village of Välling :).

Andres Välling ( a name that is already 200 years old )

Hi! My ancestors come from the village of Vallinge, Saint Petersburg. Now it's Kalinina street not far from the Narvskaya metro station. The village is said to be known before building of the city and was a Finnish village. At the beginning of the 18th century Peter the Great built a palace and laid out a park near the village. It was called Ekateringof. The church books for my ancestors have the name of the village Cather hof at the time. My ancestors had the surname of Valling until they russified it to Wolynkin at the end of the 19th century. The church books, however, retained the form Valling. Thus, my great grandmother was Sofia Alex. Walling (alias Wolynkin). I know that there have been quite many people with the same surname in Ruskeala. One of my cousins tried to find the clue where the Valling family come from and called the local Ruskeala museum. They said there's a man who lives in Finland now and has been working much on the family history. Still, we haven't the answer until now. Also, there is a version in Finnish books which say that the Valling family in Saint Petersburg were of German origin, like the many other villagers in the place. Perhaps, the surname is not of German but of Estonian origin. At least some people in my family married to Estonian people. I think I will call my cousin about the Ruskeala line to refresh the information.
T. Elena Muromova

Isoisäni on syntynyt Vallinsaaressa, Pietarissa, mikäli sitä tarkoitatte.

Se on hyvin mielenkiintoista. Tiedän että Vallingi myös kutsuttiin Vallinkyläksi. Pietari oli rakenettu saarilla, miksei? Täällä oli monia pieniä jokia. Mikä oli esi-isän sukunimi?
T. Elena Muromova

Good evening!

My ancestors had the surname Koivistoinen.
It was possible to find information on the Internet, the ancestors lived in the province of Savo, were Savakots.
Later they migrated to St. Petersburg. They lived in the village of Tentelevo, Volynkino, Yemelyanovka. The villages were all in one place. Now it is a district in St. Petersburg, located next to the Narva Gate. The ancestors belonged to the Finnish parish of St. Mary.
My great-grandfather, Ilya Mikhailovich Koivistoinen, born in 1876, lived in St. Petersburg, in the village of Tentelevo. He had a sister - Ulyana Mikhailovna Koivistoinen. Mom - Anna Sofia Ivanovna Koivistoinen (nee Walling). The surname Gelker is also present in my tree, and gives them family ties. Unfortunately, there is little information. I would be grateful if someone would add to my story. There is practically no information about the ancestors.

I have been studying our villages since 2006 and know pretty much about the Hoellker family. They are very much related to the Walling, Koivistoinen, Tikke, Tepponen families. As one Finnish book says the Hoellkers were German. I have a big photo where you can see one of them in 1904.

Elena Muromova
Elena, good afternoon! How interesting! Tell me, please, what is the name of this book?
If possible, where can I see the photo?
I have been studying the village of Tentelevo, Volynkina, Yemelyanovka since 2021. And I am very interested in any information related to them and the surname Koivistoinen.
Maybe You have information about Ilya Mikhailovich Koivistoinen (Berezin) (04/14/1876-1942) and his family? He is my great-grandfather. He lived in Tenteleva, 3 Pravaya Street. As far as we know, he worked at the Putilov factory as a locksmith. I would really like to find his photo and his family.

Thank You in advance for your help!

I speak Russian :)

Sincerely, Marina

Марина, он есть у меня в дереве со всей своей семьей. Вы можете посмотреть мое дерево? Нажмите на опцию " Показать родство" . И увидите всю линию и зайдете на его профиль. Что касается его места работы, то нужно написать в архив Кировского завода и запросить копию его личной карточки. Это беспоатно.

Марина, он есть у меня в дереве со всей своей семьей. Вы можете посмотреть мое дерево? Нажмите на опцию " Показать родство" . И увидите всю линию и зайдете на его профиль. Что касается его места работы, то нужно написать в архив Кировского завода и запросить копию его личной карточки. Это беспоатно.

Elena Muromova Спасибо за информацию про архив!

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