Thomas Osborne, II - Wrong Coat of Arms!

Started by Kay Osborn on Sunday, January 24, 2021
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Sir Richard Osborne b. 1593 obtained the first coat of Arms and this is it! He was the baronet of Waterford, Ballintaylor, Ballylemon, and defended the knockmoane Castle/ Knockmourne His baronet was created in 1629. See page 608 of the Visitations of Devon. Because he was a baronet he had a red hand on his Coat of Arms at the top center. He wrongfully took the motto PAX IN BELLO. That motto belonged to the Family of the Duke of Leeds. This coat of arms on display on this page would be used by the Osbornes who descend from This Richard. William Cecil known as Lord Burleghly helped 3 branches of the Osborne family become baronets. Sir John the first baronet in Chicksands created in 1662, Thomas Osborne the first Duke of Leeds created in 1620, and in 1629 Sir Richard Osborne was created Baronet. It seems that Lord Burleghly was a relative ! Lord Burleghly also was an adviser to Queen Elizabeth I.

Kay Osborn - detached the image from profiles.

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