Ios Losif Losifovna - Who is this person?

Started by Judy Ann Riley on Monday, February 8, 2021
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In my quest to try to understand and learn how the individual came to become part of my family tree, I came across a girl that studied Russian many years ago.

I gave her the name and she said that Iosif/josif/losif are all common variants of Joseph but she also said the last name, she thought, translated "Joseph's daughter." Is this a common kind of name for people who come from the Ukraine? Also, a researcher from England has iOS and his wife (plus their daughter and her husband's family) as being Jewish. Is this possible too?

I don't know Russian/Ukrainian so I'm only repeating what another has told me. I'm just confused and curious how the person was found to be part of my family line, not that I'm complaining about a new relative - far be it. However, I can't google iOS or his wife and come up with anything meaningful. I'm definitely not a top researcher and that's why I'm asking for help to understand how to find these kinds of finds to know they're good.

Thank you.

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