Hi Michael,
My full DNA sequence identified mine as U3a1a as well. However, my maternal line is all Hungarian back to the early 1800's. It is possible that the line has origins in Poland as many Ashkenazi Jews do, but I have no information about that as this time. I have trees on Geni and My Heritage.
Have you done more research into the origins of this haplogroup? I have not.
Judi Gyory Missel
Arizona USA
Dear all,
My full mtDNA sequence was also identified as U3a1a. Most of the matches with genetic distance 0 and 1 have the A257G mutation and have ancestors of Ashkenazi origin from Eastern European countries. On the other hand, I'm descended from a maternal lineage from the Zell am Main and Veitshöchheim region (Lower Franconia) in Bavaria. The matches with genetic distance 2 and 3 have ancestors from Scandinavian and British countries.
My earliest known ancestor was Dorothea (no known maiden name), who was born about 1655 in the Lower Franconia region. She was married to Andreas Lippert. The name of Dorothea was given in the marriage record of her daughter Anna Maria Lippert in 1705, who married to Johannes Peter Weckesser. Johannes Peter married to Anna Maria on January 26, 1705 in Zell am Main (Catholic church). In the record, it was written that Johannes Peter Weckesser was from Zell am Main and son of Andreas Weckesser (deceased man who lived and was a senator in Zell) and Maria Barbara (deceased). It was also written in the record that Anna Maria Lippert was daughter of Andreas Lippert (deceased man who during his life resided in Zell) and Dorothea. I'm descended from a woman descendant of them who migrated to Brazil in 1861. Source: Diözesanarchiv Würzburg, Amtsbücher aus Pfarrein.
This sequence can be followed on GenBank by MW182431. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MW182431
And the research continues...
Best regards,
My mtDMA is also U3a1a. Up to now I was able to follow my maternal line back to 1804 only to Kindelbrueck in Thueringen/Germany.
My mother had black curly hair. Especially in her childhood the general appearance was pointing to a Romani origin. But there is no evidence in the family for that background up to now.
I am looking forward to the discussion and exchange of information.
Best Regards