Started by Joan Pachner on Tuesday, February 23, 2021
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My DNA on FTDNA is kit #426175.
I also have done a test on ancestry.com
And uploaded both to GeneaNet

Dear Joan,

Geneanet seems to have some promising info , especially about the Alsace-Lorraine Knoblauch family. I never subscribed so I could not communicate with those entering data; and I could never entice a cousin to conference call the French synagogue in which Free French Lt Maurice is commemorated.

I describe further:

My Father's nuclear Knoblauch family included Morris/Maurice/Moshe, Frances, Leo Nathan (Natan); so the parallels are obvious with the family of Lt. Maurice Knoblauch.

Since we seem to have old Alsace-Lorraine roots, I am especially interested in the Lt Maurice Knoblauch family of Lorraine; please see attached:
Lt. Maurice Knoblauch:

Have your Geneanet alerts included info on the Alsace-Lorraine Knoblauch family?


I am also part of the Knobloch clan.For Bryan Knobloch my DNA on FTDNA is kit 480275.

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