To Whomever This May Concern:
Please note that there are two descending lines from David Avraham ben Hazub: 1) Yehuda "Zakai" ben David, 29th Exilarch 'Judah II' (leading to the Shaltiel line) and 2) 'Nathan HaBabli' Nasi ben Abu Ishaq Avraham, 2nd. Exilarch 'Mar Uqba HaRofeh', Qadi al-Qayrawānī (leading to the Yahia and Charlap lines). Line 1 is showing a yDNA signature in the J macrogroup Moshe Abraham Shaltiel (J-M267). Line 2 is showing a yDNA signature in the R macrogroup: Private User. This situation impllies at least one NPE (non paternity event) somewhere in one of these lines. I cannot determine where based on the GENI tree info. One way, perhaps the only way. to verify the correct signature would be to test additional branches of both lines, so if you are a descendant of one of these un-tested lines and have not been yDNA tested, please help us by doing the Y37 test at FTDNA and then uploading your result to the GENI tree (or if you have already tested then please upload your result).