How big of a pool of people share this Y-DNA?

Started by Fred Shute on Saturday, March 27, 2021
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Curious how many people might share this Y-DNA and how useful it is to determine matches based on it being shared by two people?

I have this Y-DNA and only know of another who is descended from it but don't know who our closest related ancestor is.

What part of the world do you live?

I’m in the United States. How far back is the DNA link to Germany? Do you have a family tree online? My ancestors go back to 1741 with the same last name aka male Y-dna. There are no records of this person’s travels across the Atlantic. Very cool to find a Y-dna relative to help piece together the puzzle.

Hoping to try and revive this. I have the same Y-DNA. Based in the UK.

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