R' Naftali Hirsch (Herz) - Name and Documentation

Started by Private User on Friday, April 9, 2021
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  • Private User
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In this 1914 article, translated from the Yiddish, he is "Rabbi Naphtali Hertz Album"

In this 1933 letter by a great grandson of his, he is 'Hertzl Albove' (yhe letter-writer also says "Harris Simon Albove" for Rabbi Album of Chicago so possibly a mis-hearing or mis-remembering of Album as Albove)

Hirsh -- Hirsch -- Hertzl -- Tzvi. -- Zvi etc. - and even Harry -- are all variations of the same name
Naftali Hirsh is almost certainly two given names -- not a first name and last name
Tzvi is the Hebrew, Hirsh is the Yiddish -- they mean deer -- Naftali was the Hebrew Tribe whose symbol was the deer.

According to what Claudia said here https://www.geni.com/discussions/199286?msg=1465316
he is listed in "The Unbroken Chain" in Volume 1, Chapter 3, page 484:
G12.2 R. Naftali Hirsch, married Chiena, daughter of R. Judah (son of Isaac) Abelson (author of Zichron Yehuda, Vilna, 1860) of Wladislawow (Neustadt Shirwind).
His father is (son of R' Saul, ABD Zaslavl) and there are five children listed, 4 sons and a daughter

In the 1933 letter, it says he had six sons and four daughters, and names all six sons (as well as what they did).
The four sons currently on Geni are the four listed in The Unbroken Chain and correspond to four of the six in the letter (version in the letter on left, current Display Name on Geni on the right):

"Moses Isaac Rabinowitch" is "R' Moses Rabinowitz, A.B.D. Kamenets Litovsk"

"Tobias Katzenalenbogen" is "R' David (Rabinowitz) Katzenellenbogen, A.B.D. Virbalis, Suwalki, Joniskis and St. Petersburg"

"Nathan Block" is "Nathan (Hirsch) Block"

"Harris Simon Albove" is "R' Simon Zvi (Hirsch or Harry) Album of Chicago"

The Unbroken Chain" in Volume 1, Chapter 3, page 484: - that is 3rd edition

in the first comment, "yhe" should be "the"

"Hirsh -- Hirsch -- Hertzl -- Tzvi. -- Zvi etc. - and even Harry -- are all variations of the same name" -- -- should also include Harris

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