As of this date, R' S Lipschitz has 94 living yDNA descendants listed in GENI, the most recent born in 2019. yDNA testing of one or more of these descendants would be a valuable addition to this family tree's knowledge base. If a person reading this is qualified to make the test and is willing to do so, please reply to this discussion.
Mutty / Mark Lipschitz Has anyone in your family made the ydna test?
Private User I am not aware of any relationship to Moshe Herson of New Jersey. This is the first I hear about Moshe Herson of New Jersery. Can you provide any further information? Thanks.
Adam good morning.
1. where do you live? 2. How are you a descendant of reb shabse. 3. are you a doctor or bioligist; how will the DNA be of any use?
Regarding Moshe Herson.. He came many years ago from Brazil Sao Paulo to learn in Lubanvitch at bedford ave. and dean st. in brooklyn. In those years i attended the yeshiva. He married an american girl and today is head of the lubavitcher movement in Morristown New Jersey. I am 83 years old and i dare say he is about the same age. How do spell your name in hebrew. , because the ch in your name and the H in his name and are basically one and the same..Best regards to a emeber of the family. mordechai lipschitz
in hebrew we speell our name ליפשיץ and in the old books written by reb shabse they spell the name ליפשיטץ but that is one and the same. one of my first cousins changed his family name to lipson, because he could not take the taunts of vulgar people who insulted him when using his last name lipschitz .
reb shabse is my grandfathers, grandfather
the lineage is as follows. Reb shabse - his son reb avrham,- his son reb meir, - his son yuda leib, - his son Mordechai - that is me
his son, yoel lipschitz and he has 6 boys , yaacov , yehuda, eitan, harel, elisha , and yakir. all lipschitz. and i have 4 more children all married with children.
Private User Hello Mordechai. Thanks for the interesting detail. Your questions: 1) i live in New York City, 2) I am not a descendant of R' Shabsi, I may be a cousin, if I knew exactly how I wouldn't be doing this research, 3) I am a generic genealogist with 30 years of experience: I conduct a study group with Family Tree DNA (the genetic genealogy founded by Bennett Greenspan) involving about 250 cohanim, among them a Lipsey.4) surname spelling: 1) in a postcard sent between family members the name is spelled beginning with a khes (ח)- and 2) in the Dieveniskes Yizkor Book the name is spelled in several places beginning with a khes. In the book the full name is usually spelled as: khes-resh-samekh-vov-langer nun (including once in an article by R’ Avraham Abir Rudnik, which I take to be the most accurate spelling available). About my work: my research is not just about my own family tree, but that of the large Cohanic root tree. I have long been interested in discovering how the Lipschitz family is connected to the Cohanic root tree (because of my dna matching to several Lifschitz descendants including a descendant of Yakov David HaCohen Lifshitz of Brest, Belarus), but I have had a difficult time making a worthwhile contact with anyone in the extended family, for reasons beyond my understanding. According to your lineage description, you or someone in your family would make for a good representative of the R' Shabsi and Lifschitz ydna which could be connected to the Cohanic root tree. Would you be willing to consider this possibility? Thanks for your attention. Adam
adam shalom, i am taking this opportunity to write you only because you are trying to find a strand of relationaship.
I gave you my geneology , i went back 7 generations or parents. many wrote seforim as reb shabse and his son reb avraham. I have those books . They never ever signed שבתי בן יעקוב יצחק הכהן or my other grand fatherאברהם בן שבתי הכהן or מאיר בן אברהם הכהן . I knew my grandfather meir and spoke to him .He never referred to himself as a kohen. i have pictures of the books printed and the monuments at the cemetery in Irshava, carpathia russia . it was never destroyed by the nazis. and of reb avraham in Bilke, carpatia russia. never destroyed by the nazis.
Lipsey , to my mind has no relationship to lipschitz in any way you spell it. nor is it close in hebrew.
Lipsey if you wish to say was a cover up for lipschitz that did not take place in Europe only in america USA or canada or perhaps england. because when pronounced it it is lip shitz.
so now what is your answer to me.
I will not do a DNA at my age of 83. . perhaps my brother Ben who lives in Oceanside, N.Y.
best regards, mordechai
Private User Shalom. Without a dna test you have proven that there isn't a Cohanic tradition in your paternal family. Good enough for me and my project. The only point now in making the dna test would be if someone in your family wants to use this method to find distant family. Perhaps your brother might be interested someday Until Then, Farewell and ZG
Adam thank you for your message. Perhaps we should be in contact sometime in the future.
all the very best. and good luck in your search.
what do you want to accomplish with this DNA and Cohanic blood analysis.
i once did read about it that perhaps the cohanim had different dna, but i don not know what this means.
Private User My goal is to add a drop into the ocean of Jewish history (and human history). Cohanim are simply a group of people who descend from a common male ancestor who was designated as high priest for the culture in which he lived. Due to this cultural designation, there is a long record-keeping tradition among Cohanim which allows genealogists to explore these lines much further into the distant past than is usually accessible using only civil records. So this line of research offers a window into the distant past that I am using to trace one part of my family and can be used by many others in the same way. For me it is not a halakhic matter, only a historical one. If you would like to read more about this topic please see this paper: https://1drv.ms/b/s!AuwT-4qnkJLBjU6wiKB8W3pHyx9p?e=XoSpI6 Best Regards, Adam