I’m only in charge of my family’s information. When my tree was merged with others by Geni about a year ago, this information was made part of mine. I have NO CONTROL over that information. If you would like to change that info, please find out who is in charge of that piece of information. IT IS NOT ME.
Gentlemen, the connection to Fernand is not based on people's desire to be related to the king, rather on the events of the times. Alonso bragged about it himself, and being that he was an incompetent idiot, one has to wonder how he got such an exalted position. I provided a link below.
Thus, it is not clear that he was or wasn't the natural son of Ferdinand unless the bodies of these men are exhumed and their remain undergo a DNA test.
As I stated above, it is not clear either way unless a DNA test is done on the exhumed bodies. People did not make up these claims willy nilly nor are historians saying it is or isn't true, only that the it could be either. But to say with certainty that he was not the natural son of Fernand is equally inaccurate as saying he was.
Ladies & Gentleman,
I would like to thank you for such great interest in Don Alonso de Estrada. It is in this spirit of genealogy that we make this platform so great and useful for connecting families across the world to their ancestors.
As for the parentage of Don Alonso de Estrada, we must be aware and cognizant of the fact that children born out of marriage, recognized or not, bastard or not, does not absolve them of their blood heritage. There is historical precedence that states that bastard children are just as important to a family line as those not deemed as "worthy" by the church, society, or historians.
It is our duty as genealogists, historians, and enthusiasts to not deem an entire line of family unworthy because of an opinion or opinions of others. With that being said, the Real Academia of Historia (Royal Academy of History) in Spain has officially stated that with all of the information gathered, data presented, Don Alonso's parentage or rather his father is still not officially known.
Based on the culture of the time, countless interviews and documents presented: It is STILL believed by the Royal Academy of History, authorized by the Government of Spain, that Don Alonso de Estrada may have been the natural son of King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Making him a bastard child, born out of wedlock—but still as deserving of the dignity and grace of life and his blood parentage.
I hope that we all come together to neither accept nor deny, but simply be open to the idea that there may be more to the story than we think.
Luis Ruben Valadez y Borbon-Busset
Damas & Caballero,
Me gustaría darle las gracias por tanto interés en don Alonso de Estrada. Es en este espíritu de genealogía que hacemos esta plataforma tan grande y útil para conectar a las familias de todo el mundo con sus antepasados.
En cuanto a la paternidad de don Alonso de Estrada, debemos ser conscientes de que los hijos nacidos del matrimonio, reconocidos o no, bastardos o no, no los absuelven de su herencia sanguínea. Hay una precedencia histórica que establece que los niños bastardos son tan importantes para una línea familiar como aquellos que no son considerados como "dignos" por la iglesia, la sociedad o los historiadores.
Es nuestro deber como genealogistas, historiadores y entusiastas no considerar indigno toda una línea familiar debido a una opinión u opiniones de los demás. Dicho esto, la Real Academia de la Historia de España ha declarado oficialmente que con toda la información recopilada, los datos presentados, la paternidad de Don Alonso o más bien su padre aún no se conoce oficialmente.
En base a la cultura de la época, se presentan innumerables entrevistas y documentos: Todavía se cree por la Real Academia de la Historia, autorizada por el Gobierno de España, que don Alonso de Estrada pudo haber sido hijo natural del rey Fernando II de Aragón. Convirtiéndolo en un niño bastardo, nacido fuera del matrimonio, pero aún así como merecedor de la dignidad y la gracia de la vida y su paternidad sanguínea.
Espero que todos nos unamos para no aceptar ni negar, sino simplemente estar abiertos a la idea de que puede haber más en la historia de lo que pensamos.
Luis Ruben Valadez y Borbon-Busset