Did this person exist?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalafrida Is not shown with a daughter Amalafrida.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrasamund Is not shown with children.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilderic Is not shown with a wife.
She’s shown here (unsourced chart)
Hilderic King of the Vandals & Alans 462-534 Carthage North Africa + Amalafreda the Younger Queen of the ThuringiiI
She’s shown as an alternative name for Amalaberga, Queen of the Thuringii
Amalberga (Amalafreda) "the younger" Thüringen formerly Ostrogoths
Here’s the mixup, perhaps.
Another alternative name seen for Amalafreda is “Amfleda.”
Amfleda Was the wife of Heidrek "Ulfhamor" Angantyrsson, King of Reiðgotaland
Curator note: She was NOT daughter of Thrasamund.
Thrasamund, king of the Vandals
Who is showing currently as father of Amalafreda "the Younger", Queen of the Thuringii - but he’s not known to have had children.
yes Erica Howton
merge seems like the most obvious solution.
This area and adjacent ones actually hadn't been investigated for several years, and it's actually normal to find these unfinished FIXES :)
Thank you. I’ve merged and added an additional curator note:
“Amalafreda "the Younger", Queen of the Thuringii” is seen as Hilderic’s wife, but The Foundation for Medieval genealogy says, “The name of [[Hilderic, King of the Vandals & Alans Hilderic, King of the Vandals & Alans] Hilderic's] wife is not known.” It appears she never existed. Perhaps she was a mixup with Amfleda or with her “sister,” Amalberga (this profile) who was Amalafreda’s daughter.