Sarah (Hawley) Lewis - Lewis / Harrison

Started by Erica Howton on Friday, April 30, 2021
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Barry Hansford Lewis Writes

“ am working from the Sydney-Smith and Claggett-Price book published by Lucy Montgomery Smith Price in 1927.

Families include Lewis, Montgomery, Harrison, Hawley, Moorhead, Rixey, Doniphan, Waugh, Anderson, Randolph, Mott, Drake, Butcher, Triplett, Humphrey, Ball, Porter, Brown, Dorsey, Cooper, Stuart, Strother.

There are multiple intermarriages and descendants.

My line starts with General Robert Lewis, one of four brothers, Samuel, John, William and Robert.

According to Ms. Price this is the descendant line from Lord John Louis (Smile's "History of the Huguenots")

Robert was a native of Brecon, Wales sailed from Gravesend, England with wife Elizabeth April 1635.

We merge with the marriage of Thomas Lewis to Sarah (Hawley) Harrison (wife of Capt. William Harrison- first marriage). Capt. William Harrison was an only brother to Thomas and son of Burr Harrison (son of Cuthhbert, the immigrant) - Maryland Heraldry.

Thomas Lewis was Sarah's second marriage and our Lewis line continues from there.

I don't know if this is helpful but I am trying to find the linkage. Kind of new at this and can only do this sporadically.”

Diana Raquel Sainz y Wilson By any Chance is this line covered in the little Harrison book you’re working with? Explains the father of James Harrison of the Edgefield District was a William of unknown origins who migrated to Craven County, NC. I’ve created a new profile: William Harrison of Craven County

Harrison DNA Project - patriarchs


George Harrison ( -1748) owned a total of 1,051 acres in Fairfax County
between 1739 and 1742. He acquired a 208 acre tract of land (NN-E-493) in
present-day Arlington County. We do know that George Harrison was married
to Martha West and they had no children. His will mentions his favorite nephew,
John West, son of Hugh West. Captain George Harrison's Inventory includes
eight negroes, 19 hogs, 7 steers, 9 cows and calves, and 3 horses. Green's List
of Tithables, 174819 mentions two Widow Harrisons; 1) with "2 slaves in Staf-
ford" and 2) with "4 slaves and 1 Papist Ed barret Lower Parish Comes to
church." George Harrison was a member of the Vestry in 1734.


Virginia Land Office, NN-E-495, 3 August 1742; Green, List of Tithables,
1748l9; Philip Slaughter, The History of Truro Parish in Virginia, p.7

Thomas Harrison b. c1678 Westmoreland Co., VA, d. 22 Feb 1727 Westmoreland Co., VA, m. Elizabeth
George Harrison b. c1720 Westmoreland Co., VA, d. bef 21 Mar 1748/49 Fairfax Co., VA, m. Martha

Lineage 5-The Cheshire, England and Westmoreland County, Virginia Harrisons

Colonel George Minor

Harrison DNA has James went to SC as son of William & Sarah - argh. Should I put them back?

William Harrison b. c1705 Stafford Co., VA, d. 1747, m. Sarah Hawley
James Harrison b. abt 1725, d. abt Mar 1800 Edgefield Co., SC, m. Ann
William Henry Harrison b. 1758 North Carolina, d. 1832 Coffee Co., AL,

I’m having trouble with Sarah Lewis as mother of

She was supposedly 54 at 2nd marriage.

Erica Howton Sorry for my delayed response. I will definitely look at it and let you know.

Is anyone working from the J. M. McAllister 1906 genealogy book ?

There is a conflict with the W.T. Lewis and the Lucy Montgomery Smith Price and the McAllister genealogy.

This is definitely a hard road to follow. I suspect the only way is to verify personal family lineage by researching one's own parents, grandparents, etc.

Looking for any clues to establish a common thread to Sarah Hawley Harrison Lewis from whatever sources do coincide.


I’m having trouble with Sarah Lewis as mother of

She was supposedly 54 at 2nd marriage.


Thomas Lewis was 10 years her junior. William Lewis was (Price Genealogy) was visited by his half-brother William Harrison at Cedar Hill and both were known as children to Madam Sarah Hawley Harrison Lewis.

Capt. Harrison died in 1745 (Library of Theological Seminary in Alexandria records Captain William Harrison, buried 1745) and his estate settled in 1749 ( Stafford County, Libri O, page 118, Settlement of Captain William Harrison Estate in Fairfax County).

Thomas Lewis died in 1749. In June 1761, Loudoun clerk of the court reports a record of Sarah Lewis, relict of Thomas Lewis brought suit against Elizabeth Lewis, widow of Stephen Lewis.

Ms. Price is the granddaughter of Sarah Hawley Harrison Lewis and confirmed through counties of Stafford, Fairfax, Loudon, Prince William and Fauquier via affidavits, clerk records, Bible records

I don't know if this helps to clarify the Sarah Hawley Harrison Lewis contradiction.

Erica Howton I am really behind, but will look into it. I have been working the Harrison line again.

Erica Howton I am really behind, but will look into it. I have been working the Harrison line again.

Much appreciated.

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