Mi madre Eva fue hija de Aide (Jeudith), quien fue hija de Feiga Malka.
David tenía como hermanos a Jeudith, Risl, Motl, Mashe, Benchim y Liovele, Los dos últimos muertos muy pequeños en el primero durante una epidemia de cólera y el segundo con tifus durante el incendio de su casa, la casa de sus padres.
The source for the surname is the introduction to 'Lev Dovid', the book of Rabbi Dovid Feldmann's halachic responsa published post humously by my father z'l, his grandson, in approx 2000. The introduction includes many letters to Rabbi Feldmann, this being one of the first, from his maternal grandfather, describing some amazing chasidic ancestry and a story of one ancestor with the Ruzhiner Rebbe. He signs himself off as shmuel yitzchok falishach - we also found a mazeltov postcard from both maternal grandparents, r'shmuel yitzchok and his wife yocheved, on the occasion of Rabbi feldmann's marriage to Golda Fixler in Novoselice