R' Yitzchok Elefant - Nonsense on this profile

Started by Edel Schnitzler on Wednesday, June 2, 2021
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6/2/2021 at 6:51 PM

Nobody knows who Yitzchak Elefant was married to. The information given concerning his father and his supposed wife and her family is erroneous. Stop the nonsense!

6/4/2021 at 7:31 AM

I'll take a look at the tree after Shabbos, hopefully. I hadn't added anything regarding R. Yitzchok Elefant's wife since I have no information on this, though if I am not mistaken - some relatives have permission on Geni to make changes on the tree since they're "friends", so a lot might have been changed in my name which is not really my doing.
I too think no one had information on Rav Yitzchak's wife, but some relatives have researched and looked up information that exists in Hungarian archives and other countries as well, and some of the info they found was amazing , so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them found out more than we knew up to now, and they added this.
Shabbos is almost here, in less than two hours.
By the way - are you related to the Schitzlers that live in Kfar G anim Petach Tikva?
Good to hear from you, Zalmy

6/4/2021 at 11:30 AM

I am one of those relatives who studied Hungarian records. There is nothing that goes back that far. My biggest proof that this never happened is the dates simply do not work, and also, the descendants are not named for these people. Unfortunately, our family Geni page has been added to by so many and the errors are many.

Can you tell me more about those Schnitzlers? Hungarian, Chassidish? I am intersted. Thanks!

6/20/2021 at 10:34 PM

This was already proven wrong.
I don't know if his wifes name is also wrong, but he wasn't the son in lo of R' Yechiel Michel Auerbach

6/22/2021 at 5:33 PM

Shloimy Lazar it is absolutely wrong. I believe he could have been the son of Yaakov Elefant. If I had to guess, this is my strongest choice.

6/22/2021 at 5:33 PM

It is very disheartening to see so many factual errors on our tree.

אודה לכל מי שיוכל לענות לי
מה המקור מהיכן נובע המידע שר' יצחק אלפאנט היה חתנו של ר' מיכל מקורימא
אשר ישעי' הכהן זעלפריינד

7/2/2021 at 4:47 PM

The Elefants do not descend from Mechel of Kirima. The dates don't factually work. And, we don't carry any of the names. It is for these reasons that this genealogy is false, and the Geni tree is incorrect.

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