Jonathan Ashworth - JONATHAN ASHWORTH

Started by GAY EDENS CARRIGAN on Monday, June 7, 2021
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This longtime error is apparently due to someone simply finding a John Ashworth named in Jonathan Ashworth's Will. They obviously did not research Jonathan Ashworth to prove their case. I sincerely hope the following documentation will be helpful in clearing up this error.

Note that the surname ASHWORTH is known to have been pronounced ASHER, well into the 1900's in both Virginia & West Virginia. This is proven by Jonathan's grandson, Harrison Ashworth's American Revolution Pension Record W 5648, which states:
"The name is spelt A-S-H-W-O-R-T-H, but pronounced ASHER, and might be so spelt on the rolls."

We first find Jonathan Ashworth in New Kent Co., VA in 1702, and in Hanover Co., VA in 1720, when it was formed from New Kent.

John Ashworth, son of Jonathan, CANNOT be the John Ashworth of North Carolina, who was born 25 Feb 1735, died 29 Apr 1805, Buncombe Co., NC. The following record finds Jonathan Ashworth’s son, John, making purchases at the Partridge Store in 1738 — John of NC would have been three (3) years old in 1738.

26 Apr 1738, Partridge Store Accounts, Hanover Co., VA: MR JOHN ASHWORTH. 1738 Apr. 26 (1 dozen Mettle buttons); May 2; Jun. 15 (pd Wm Lewis; Jul. 22; Aug. 2; Oct. 10; Dec. 11 (1 Spelling Book); Apr. 2 (PD YR FATHER JOHNATHON ASHWORTH, Pd Edward Murfil); 1740 Jul. 16 (PD YOR FATHER JOHNATHON ASHWORTH, payd Richard Henderson In ye yeare 1736 Levy 45 Tob.). Credits: 1739 Jun. 22 (yr accot B, 290, By Mr John Snelson for Edward Murfeld, By an accot Proovd before Capt Peter Garland, By Tobo pd Mr Robt. Wathen last yeare). (Partridge Store Accounts, Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 24, #1-34)

28 Jun 1744, Brunswick Co., VA: JOHN ASHWORTH patented land in Brunswick Co., VA 1744, as proven by the following deed. Patent not found.

Charlotte Co., VA DB 6-58: Matt Jouett Williams to James Callicott, of Amelia Co., for 12,750 pounds of inspected tobacco, 255 acres of land in Charlotte Co., bounded by ___ Barnes, James Callicott, being part of a greater tract of LAND GRANTED UNTO JOHN ASHWORTH BY PATENT JUNE 28, 1744. Wit: John McGuire, Henry Ford, Moses Harrison, Miles Bottom. (John of NC would have been 9 years old in 1744.)

Jonathan Ashworth received 2,000 acres in Brunswick Co., VA in 1744. In 1746, this land fell into the newly formed Lunenburg Co., VA.

Sep 1758, Lunenburg Co., VA Militia: Privates: JOHN ASHWORTH, Samuel Ashworth, Isaac Ashworth.
(Virginia Colonial Militia, Crozier, p 74)

06 Nov 1759, Lunenburg Co., VA, WB 1-282, Jonathan, himself recorded his Will naming sons JOHN, Samuel & Isaac, grandson Jonathan Abbett, and granddaughter Elizabeth Bruce. This Will did not go to probate.

06 Apr 1763, Lunenburg Co., VA DB 9-204, Jonathan made a Deed of Gift, again naming sons JOHN, Samuel & Isaac, grandson Jonathan Abbott (after the decease of his father Samuel Abbott), and grandson John Anglin. Recorded 11 Aug 1763.

1764 — The Parish of Cornwall in Lunenburg Co., VA, became Charlotte Co., VA. So, again, his land became part of a new county.

29 Jan 1767 : 02 Feb 1767, Charlotte, DB 1-115: Jonathan Ashworth of Charlotte Co., to William Bumpass of Bedford Co., VA, £16, 110 acres located on Sandy Creek, bounded by John & Isaac Ashworth. Wit: Christopher Loving, Thomas Williams & Samuel Ashworth. (His last known record. No date of death.)

Conclusion: JONATHAN ASHWORTH’S SON, JOHN, probably born in New Kent Co., VA, died before 16 Mar 1788, Pittsylvania Co., VA. He married Jean/Jane Morefield, who apparently had two sons named John & Nathan Ashworth alias Morefield, and vice versa, and a daughter Dorcas Taliaferro. Sometime before Sep 1771: John & Jane Ashworth sold their property in Charlotte Co., and moved to Pittsylvania Co., VA — not North Carolina.

If you have questions, or need further documentation, please ask.

Respectfully submitted, Gay Edens Carrigan
Author of Ashworth of Virginia & West Virginia — The Isaac Line, 1997
(Available in several large libraries.)

Gay, thank you so much for sharing your research and that of your research Laura Crumpler. You both certainly come highly qualified to speak on the subject of the Ashworth family. I will say though that as someone who oversees three DNA accounts of Ashworth descendants, my own included, and I have access to two others, there is a reason why we are seeing so many people connect Jonathan of the Jonathan/Nancy Woods marriage to Jonathan of Lunenburg--the DNA is making a strong case for a connection.

While Wills are great in establishing family ties that were legally acknowledged, they can't rule out offspring that may have come about due to extramarital relations.

As to the leap that John Asher/Jonathan Asher are the first records found in this line based on known mispronunciation. As of now, no DNA evidence in our lines, or that of our 190+ confirmed Ashworth DNA cousins, supports this statement. DNA cousins with the surname Asher come from a distinctly different line.

Finally, if you accept that John Morefield Ashworth is the son of Jonathan Ashworth/Alice R and that Jonathan Ashworth and John Morefield moved to New Kent from the Eastern Shore, as our line of research supports, the picture coming together could very well explain why our Ashworth DNA, as well as that of our 190+ Ashworth DNA cousins, shows a connection to not only Jonathan of Lunenburg, Jonathan of Buncombe County, but also the Texas Ashworth line.

Again--just a thought on the matter and a request that all male Ashworths please join the FTDNA Ashworth project:

Sarah Ashworth, daughter of Benjamin Ashworth, is my 3rd ggrandmother

3/14/2022, Stacey Harrell
Gay, thank you so much for sharing your research and that of your Laura Crumpler. You both certainly come highly qualified to speak on the subject of the Ashworth family.

I will say though that as someone who oversees three DNA accounts of Ashworth descendants, my own included, and I have access to two others, there is a reason why we are seeing so many people connect Jonathan of the Jonathan/Nancy Woods marriage to Jonathan of Lunenburg--the DNA is making a strong case for a connection.


I have taken both the My Heritage & 23amdME DNA Tests


Incidentally, I don't believe you will find JOHN ASHWORTH of NC called JONATHAN. I have five pages of data on that family, and never is he shown as Jonathan. Those were two distinct given names.

I have no doubt that there is a DNA relationship with all the early Ashworths at some point in time; it is not a common name — but John of NC was NOT the son of JONATHAN ASHWORTH OF LUNENBURG CO., VA. All of Jonathan's sons, including, John, can be proven beyond doubt. The daughters are mostly a mystery.

Unfortunately, new searchers often think if it appears in an Ancestry, My Heritage, Family Search, etc. family tree, it's gospel. We both know that is a fallacy!

We can prove JONATHAN ASHWORTH back to 1702, when both JOHN & JONATHAN ASHER are listed as soldiers in the Colonial Militia of New Kent County. Then it becomes more difficult with them having lived in counties in which the records were burned.

We believe, but cannot document, that JONATHAN's FATHER, was the JOHN ASHWORTH OF YORK CO., VA, who served on a 1658 York Co. Jury. This is based on the common pattern of migration from York and James City Co. into Hanover Co., used by many colonial families. (per Laura Ashworth Crumpler)

We also believe it was he, as JOHN ASHER, who patented land in New Kent Co. in 1682.
Note that JOHN ASHER’s land adjoined that of DAVID CRAFFORD & JOHN DICKESON in the following 1682 & 1685 land patents:

20 Apr 1682, New Kent, Patent Book 7-132: JOHN ASHER, 226 acres, in New Kent Co., 20 Apr 1682. Beginning at DAVID CRAFFORD upon North branches of Chickahominy Swamp, to JOHN DICKESON, to Capt. Underhill, by run of Powhitt Swamp. Transportation of five persons: William Alsop, Richd. Darall, Edwad. Broxam, Jon. Shepheard, George Binks (or Birks). (Cavaliers & Pioneers II-231)

20 Apr 1685, New Kent, Patent Bk 7-456: Christopher Berriman, 1,250 acres in New Kent County on south side of Yorke River, between branches of Mattedequin Creek and CHICHAHOMINY SWAMP. Adj Mr. Watson and Mr. Landye’s [Lindsey?], crossing Pickanockey Path to branch of sd SWAMP CALLED POWHITT SW., ADJOINING JOHN ASHER and William Owen. (Cavaliers & Pioneers II-289)

JOHN MERFIELD [MOREFIELD] is listed in the 1704 New Kent Co. Quit Rent List, with 210 acres. Later, his daughter married JOHN ASHWORTH, son of JONATHAN.

Returns made 24 Sep 1708/09. New Kent Co.:. The lands of George Lovel, JONATHAN ASHWORTH & Henry Wood, lying adjacent to each other, being made one precinct of which the said George Lovel and Henry Wood were appointed Overseers they made this return on the back of the order (viz.) (The Vestry Book of St. Paul’s Parish, Hanover Co., VA, 1706-1786, C. G. Chamberlayne, 1940, p 219)

JONATHAN ASHWORTH is shown to be in New Kent from May 1711/12 thru Nov 1715/16.

The 1719, New Kent Co. processioning mentions the lands of JOHN ASHWORTH, and the land that was JONATHAN ASHWORTH’s John Kent hath it.
(That John can't be Jonathan's son, he was too young.)

1720 — Hanover Co., VA formed from New Kent Co.

In 1721 &1724, Hanover Co., Jonathan appears as JONATHAN ASHUR, along with the Crawfords.

17 Aug 1725, Hanover Co., VA, Patent Book 12-230: JONATHAN ASHWORTH, 378 acres, New Land, in St. Paul's Parish, joining to Falling Creek and lines of Mr. George Alves and John English. (Cavaliers & Pioneers III-284)

In 1735, we find DAVID CRAWFORD, the DICKESONS & JONATHAN ASHWORTH living in Hanover County.

JONATHAN ASHWORTH last appears on the 1744 Hanover County processioning record.
He failed to show.

01 Nov 1744, Brunswick Co., VA: At a Council held 1 Nov 1744 ... To JONATHAN ASHWORTH 2,000 acres beginning upon Aaron Williams upon the north side of Staunton River, up the river to Charles Allen's line at the MOUTH OF SANDY CREEK, Thence along this line to Henry Runnels UP THE RIVER THENCE UP THE CREEK ON BOTH SIDES, TAKING IN SEVERAL ENTRIES BELONGING TO HIM AND THE ADJACENT LAND CONTAINING TWO THOUSAND ACRES IN BRUNSWICK.
(Executive Journal of the Council of Colonial Virginia, 1 Nov 1739 - 7 May 1754, Vol. 5)

1745 — Lunenburg Co., VA formed from Brunswick Co..
So Jonathan's new land now falls into Lunenburg County..

13 May 1751 : 03 Oct 1751, Lunenburg Co., VA WB 1-244
Daughter: Jane Morefield
Grandson: John Morefield ... Leaves to daughter Jane Morefield and grandson John Morefield, "the land I now live on."
Daughter: Elizabeth Morefield
To daughters Jane & Elizabeth Morefield "all of my livestock and furniture."
Exors: Daughters Jane & Elizabeth Morefield
Wit: Thomas Blanks, Elleckzander Strainge
Executors named qualified with JOHN ASHWORTH and Thomas Blanks their securities.
(Early Wills 1746-1766, Lunenburg Co., VA, by Katherine B. Elliott)


"While Wills are great in establishing family ties that were legally acknowledged, they can't rule out offspring that may have come about due to extramarital relations."

That's true, but neither should we try to insert a man into a family who is living in a different state.

John of NC was apparently living in Rutherford or Burke Co., NC when his daughter, Nancy married James Bridges, 04 Sep 1788, Burke Co., NC.

A JOSEPH & JOHN ASHWORTH show up on the 1790 Rutherford Co., NC Census, both born before 1773. Has anyone checked the Burke & Rutherford Co., NC records?


"As to the leap that John Asher/Jonathan Asher are the first records found in this line based on known mispronunciation. As of now, no DNA evidence in our lines, or that of our 190+ confirmed Ashworth DNA cousins, supports this statement. DNA cousins with the surname Asher come from a distinctly different line."

Of course, they do, I have never inferred that they were one and the same. Asher was simply the way Ashworth was pronounced at that time, and the county clerk wrote it down just as he heard it. We are NOT tracing the Asher family.

Laura (Ashworth) Crumpler's own FATHER told her that the name was pronounced Asher in his day. As a matter of fact, I have found several known WV Ashworths recorded as Asher in U.S. census records. We've been very careful not to "leap" into the Asher family. Dates, places, neighbors, etc., enter largely into the search.


JOHN of NC (not JONATHAN) was NOT the SON of Jonathan Ashworth of VA,
They were likely cousins of some sort.

I get the impression that you base your opinion strictly on DNA, but one must also do the research to prove the line. Everything I've written, is based on court records, not hearsay. Laura Ashworth, my 4th cousin, was an accredited, professional genealogist, and Executive Secretary of the Virginia Genealogy Society before her death — not just a family genealogist.


Finally, if you accept that John Morefield Ashworth is the son of Jonathan Ashworth/Alice R. and that Jonathan Ashworth and John Morefield moved to New Kent from the Eastern Shore, as our line of research supports, the picture coming together could very well explain why our Ashworth DNA, as well as that of our 190+ Ashworth DNA cousins, shows a connection to not only Jonathan of Lunenburg, Jonathan of Buncombe County, but also the Texas Ashworth line.


(1) There is no known record of Jonathan Ashworth's wife's name — coming from New Kent & Hanover Co., VA, both burned record counties. No dower release, nothing. It appears she was deceased before they were in Brunswick and Lunenburg Counties.
It was traditional to name children for grandparents, and those given names continued for generations, but there is not a single known Alice in our early Ashworth line.

(2) The dates don't fit .

(3) "JOHN MOREFIELD ASHWORTH" is proven to be the son of John & Jean/Jane Ashworth of Lunenburg to Pittsylvania Co., VA.

(4) John Ashworth of Pittsylvania, was the son of Jonathan Ashworth of Lunenburg; proven by Jonathan Ashworth's Will and Deed of Gift.

A quote from John Ashworth's 1788, Pittsylvania Co., VA Will:
"my three children of the following names to witt: NATHAN MOORFIELD ALIAS ASHWORTH, DORCAS TALIAFERRO and JOHN MOORFIELD ALIAS ASHWORTH to them and their heirs forever. And I do hereby constitute and appoint MY BELOVED WIFE JEAN ASHWORTH, NATHAN ASHWORTH ALIAS MOORFIELD and JOHN ASHWORTH ALIAS MOORFIELD whole and sole executors to this my last will and testament".



ALICE ASHWORTH's will was presented in court by Elias Edmonds the executor therein named who made oath thereto according to law and being proved by the oaths of William Wright and Simon Morgan, two of the witnesses, is admitted to record.

1753, Prince William Co., VA Index to Probate Records, 1731-1951: ALICE ASHWORTH, Type P. [Probate of Estate] Source: CCN3:46.

The 1753 will book in which contained Alice Ashworth's Will is missing.
Prince William Co. is located in northern Virginia, and was formed from King George & Stafford counties.
In 1759, Prince William was divided into two counties — a part retaining the name Prince William, and the remaining area became the new Fauquier County.

22 Sep 1760 : 28 July 1763, Fauquier Co., VA DB 2-9: JOSEPH ASHWORTH OF LITTLE LEVER NEAR BOLTON, GREAT BRITAIN, WEAVER, APPOINTS SON JOHN ASHWORTH of or near York River in KING WILLIAM CO. or New Kent Co., province of Virginia, LINEN WEAVER, true and lawful attorney to dispose of all lands in North America, late the estate of MY MOTHER ALICE ASHWORTH, WIDOW, DEC’D, which come to me by will or descent. Signed Joseph Ashworth.
Wit: James Cock, John McCormick, James Cock at LiverPoole, in the Co. of Lancaster, Mariner, made oath to above.
Sworn to in Liverpoole before Lawrence Spincer, Mayor of Liverpoole.
Recorded 28 July 1763, with cert. of execution, on motion of John Ashworth.
(John K. Gott, Fauquier County, Virginia Deeds 1759-1778, 1988, p 33)

27 July 1763 : 28 July 1763, Fauquier Co., VA DB 2-14: JOHN ASHWORTH OF FAUQUIER CO., LATE OF LANCASTERSHIRE, GREAT BRITAIN, sold to William Barker for £55, 197 acres beginning at a large oak marked TB standing at the foot of the Pignut Ridge, corner to Waugh Darnall, corner to Macquire, hence with McGuire’s line, near a branch of Broad Run, same granted by Proprietor to William Bailey, by him conveyed to Jacob Holtzclaw and by him CONVEYED TO ALICE ASHWORTH, AND BY HER DEVISED TO JOSEPH ASHWORTH. SIGNED JOHN ASHWORTH.
(John K. Gott, Fauquier County, Virginia Deeds 1759-1778, 1988, p 33-34)

John Ashworth apparently left Fauquier Co. after the above 1763 deed.

There are no known extant records in which Jonathan Ashworth of VA, was referred to as John, nor is he ever identified as a weaver.

It is important to note that this John Ashworth is in Fauquier Co., VA in 1763, while Jonathan Ashworth has lived in Lunenburg Co., VA from the time of its formation in 1746. There is no evidence that Jonathan was ever referred to as John, nor is he ever identified as a weaver.

I hope these records will clarify a few things. Good luck in your search.

Gay Edens Carrigan

Gay, where do I start? First the obvious, apologies for taking so long to reply. I only came across this post again earlier today. Secondly, you are so right to call me out on my mistakes. I am at a loss without my copy editor!

You are correct, John Ashworth/Nancy Woods did not go by Jonathan. You are also correct, John Moorefield Ashworth is the grandson of Jonathan Ashworth/Alice Ramsbotham, not the son. Words matter and I was wrong not to catch those oversights before I submitted my comment.

Regarding the matter of the Ashworth men and DNA, I agree with you that John Ashworth/Nancy Woods is not the son of Jonathan Ashworth/Alice Ramsbottham. I simply believe that due to the enormous amount of disinformation that surrounds these men, it will take genetic genealogy and records to sort out the fact from the fiction. I like to work over on Gedmatch and encourage all Ashworth descendants to upload their DNA there. I also encourage all Ashworth men to take the Y-DNA tests offered by FTDNA and to participate in the FTDNA Ashworth Project.

I agree, it could be considered a cop-out to say that not all offspring are included in a will. I only meant that we must be open to all possibilities and when we find ourselves working in this gray area, we must be clear with everyone that we are no longer working in the world of facts. Even the most educated guess can not be considered a fact.

I don’t understand the inclusion of the Prince William Ashworths in your reply so I’ll just say that you are right, Jonathan Ashworth was not to the best of my knowledge a weaver. As a matter of fact, in the Lunenburg County Court order books, 1746-1865 on page 275, his son John was referred to as “John Ashworth shoemaker”. I will say this record was an exciting find and thinking about what you said about your cousin, I am sorry she didn’t get the chance to see this one for herself. It is one of those fabulous finds that we use to humanize our subjects.

Now, to address your records. I could lay mine out in the same manner with comments about the county formations, but I’d rather approach this with the mindset that working together will serve us all better than playing the genealogist's version of one-upmanship. So with that in mind, my comments about the records will be brief.

The 1702 Kent County Militia record does not prove Jonathan Ashworth was in New Kent County. He is not on that list. Jonathan Asher is on this list. To make the leap that this is Jonathan Ashworth is essentially in your own words, “hearsay”. This record falls into the gray area I just spoke of.

After reviewing your records, I see some good ones that are missing and thought you might want to locate them on your own (seeing is believing) so I’ve shared with you the details you need to locate them.

Jonathan Ashworth can be found in the St. Paul’s Parish Vestry Records between the years 1708 and 1742. Most involve land boundaries, but the 1742 record is payment for services related to maintenance at the church.

Jonathan Ashworth can be found in numerous Partridge Store records between the years 1734 and 1738.

In 1749 Jonathan Ashworth was recorded in Cornelius Cargill's List of Tithes.

In 1751 Jonathan Ashworth was named in the Lunenburg County Road Orders.

In 1755 Jonathan Ashworth served on a Jury in Lunenburg County.

In 1759 Jonathan Ashworth was named in a real estate transaction on February 3 in Lunenburg County,

In 1763 in Lunenburg County Jonathan Ashworth transferred an indenture contract to his son John. On this, I’ll give you more because I’d love for someone with better transcribing skills to take a look at it. You can find this record in the Lunenburg County Court order books, 1746-1865 on page 149.

In 1777 Jonathan Ashworth was named in a real estate transaction involving his son John in Charlotte County, Virginia.

Happy Hunting!

PS. Thanks to all the Family Historians out there for their hard work and dedication to finding the truth about their ancestors. As a professional genealogist and former journalist, I’ve found their efforts invaluable in my work.

Quick correction, after comparing my notes to the record, in 1755 it was John Ashworth who served on a jury.

I also want to stress that the 1777 mention of Jonathan Ashworth in a real estate transaction is just that, a mention. That statement is not meant to imply that he is still alive in 1777. On that matter, I have an opinion but no supporting documents.

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