Lt. Colonel Edward Waters, "The Emigrant"Gentleman and Armiger in 1609 on ship "Sea Venture - BOGUS DUPLICATE profile!

Started by Private User on Sunday, June 20, 2021
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Private User
6/20/2021 at 11:47 AM

Should have been isolated and deleted, NOT merged, and CERTAINLY NOT relationship-locked to WRONG parents!

His "wife", the Fictitious "Lady Grace O'Neil", should also have been isolated and deleted.

Private User
6/20/2021 at 4:51 PM

Please pay attention. This is a BADLY BOTCHED TREE.

1) Edward Waters' parents were William Waters and Alice Canon, both of Willian in Hertfordshire, NOT John "Walter" Waters of Gloucestershire and Dorothy "Payne" Cannon of Somerset.


3) "Lady Grace O'Neil" is BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS!

4) John Waters m. Alice Getlande (or Gatland) was NOT Edward Waters' brother.

5) John Waters m. Alice Getlande's parents ARE NOT KNOWN.

6) "William Thomas Cannon" is out of place, Bad-Merged, and lumbered with wives and children who were never his.

7) Margaret Plantagenet Pole, Countess of Salisbury, DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS TREE. ("Margaret Pole", whoever she was really supposed to be, has dates swiped from the Countess.)

Looks like somebody cobbled up a fakey-fakey tree to get themselves some glamorous ancestors. Unscrambling it is going to be such a headache it might be better to find points to disconnect, isolate, and mark for deletion.

Suggestion: Cut John Waters m. Alice Getlande and their descendants loose of this mess, as there is some documentation for some of them.

Private User
6/20/2021 at 4:51 PM

Curators Please Help - there are too many locks where there should never have been any!

Private User
6/21/2021 at 12:41 PM

I'm going to leave this series of posts up as a Horrible Example of What Can Go Worng.

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