Stop notifications of messages posted

Started by Private User on Thursday, July 15, 2021
Problem with this page?


  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni Pro
Showing all 8 posts

I ask this question once before and it was answered. I have the problem again and I have lost the answer. I am again receiving notifications of all posts to Attention Curators – Please Assist. How do I stop this? I have clicked on every “unfollow” I can find!

Thanks for any suggestions.

Take a closer look - In every mail you get there is a text explaining why and how to stop it,.

In any case, -. as with all sites with a login, you find your account settings by clicking your own name at the top. There you find as many other settings a notification setting

I am not receiving an email I am receiving the actual messagses under “Recent Activity” on my Geni home page. No notice about why I am receiving the messages. Account settings say nothing about this type of notification. They refer to the notifications I want to receive by email

In the Recent Activity tab you have a "Filter Newsfeed" option

In any case it sounds that you get newsfeed from projects and people you are following. Following for example an active curator is a bad choice if you want newsfeed from only your family...

That is the whole point - I don't want to follow anyone or anything, I removed "projects" from the newsfeed filter, If that doesn't work I give up! I'm too old for this!

Thank you so much for your help.

Well, stop following. The nest time you get a newsfeed click the name and select unfollow.

You find the list of people you follow in the Activity tab in your profile

I knew I followed many many profiles but not people and discussions. I did not know where this lists was located. Thank you. After all I have only been a member for 13 years – and you can’t expect me to remember all this stuff at my age. OK – thanks again and I’m moving on! Lots of mistakes to be corrected out there in my branch of the tree!

You have a similar list of projects you are following here:

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