Unknown Brooks - Parentage

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Wednesday, July 21, 2021
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Is there information / sources connecting this Unknown Brooks as a child of Jonah Askew Love? Just wondering why the surname is different for this child, who his mother was, etc. Thanks for any clarification.

I’m sorry - I thought I deleted that before loading to geni. My yDNA coupled with atDNA tests show I’m definitely a Love, most likely 3 to 4 generations back. My atDNA segment analysis points to Jonah Love, Definitely speculative and shouldn’t be in the Geni tree.

I’m on the road without a computer so may not fix until next week. My earliest known ancestor is William Brooks b GA 1821 d GA 1853 married Samantha Donaldson. Some trees, including mine for a time had his father as Jabez Brooks b GA 1799 iirc married Sarah sally Davis b 1800. I don’t believe that to be that correct.

Thanks for responding William.

Looks too challenging from my iPhone and don’t want to mess anything up. Ok if someone removes the unknown relationships and deletes those persons. Otherwise I’ll take care of in a week or so.

I found I can't remove the relationship or delete the placeholder folks without a "pro" membership. I'm not going to do that now, so it's fine if someone else wants to clean it up.

I severed the relationship between the unknown placeholder and the Love family.

My preference would be to remove the link. It wasn’t my intent to have it there.

The line to the Love surname is proven through yDNA testing – 100% of my yDNA 25 marker cousins who provided a tree are descendants of James Love born Virginia in 1720 died 1800, married Elizabeth (possibly Crook). Normally the level of my matches to Love yDNA cousins would be discounted since I don’t share a common surname. This is countered by the very large number of otherwise unexplained autosomal DNA cousins descending from James Love 1720 and Elizabeth.

Of my matches descending from Jonah’s father, I’m a closer 111 match to Jonah’s descendant than to Jonah’s brothers’. I’m hoping a future BigY test will help rule in or out.

Making a long story short, analysis of triangulated segments among my Love cousins also points to Jonah Love born VA 1779. More importantly, I haven’t found an instance to contradict it. Nevertheless, this isn’t sufficient for proof and I think my line should terminate at William Brooks born GA 1821 married Samantha Donaldson born GA 1823.

Thanks to all for getting my goof cleared up.

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