Kerry Syble Milutin Jr they can only be there if you add them. See the section "Add to a Project" in the user tutorial project https://www.geni.com/projects/User-Tutorial-Basic-Techniques-2-Actions/37948
See also https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229705887-How-can-I-add-pro...
Miss June I thank you for your feedback that was very nice of you, but I am not one for brain's I don't know how to do what you said Thank you again. I was hoping someone who may have the time can help me the profiles I am talking about are Joseph, Daniel, William and Louis Causley (Cosley) William and Daniel were with the 227th has well has Louis Joseph was with 13th Canadian mounted rifles. If someone could tell me how to go about it I would be honored
You can look at the following page from Library and Archives Canada to see how you can look for their service records: