Rosso Rosso, barone di Aidone e Cirami -

Started by Bernard Joseph Albanese on Friday, August 6, 2021
Problem with this page?


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8/6/2021 at 6:08 PM

The "about" section for this profile contains a source link to the Rosso family tree which indicates that his spouse was a Costanza Moncada.
At one time she was attached as his spouse, but is no longer.

Was this done intentionally because the source was in error? or has someone made a mistake with this profile?

8/6/2021 at 6:18 PM

Yes, Antonio and me.. in this intersection we found what looks like a table error.
To be precise the table at that intersection uses red approximation signs text..

(so we followed the other reported specific sources and left a mark /!\ Costanza to remember it :)

8/6/2021 at 7:36 PM

Bernard are you on the attack again, with the medieval smart copy in high medieval Italy? again?

Approximate dates at random?
what are all those scraps of squared paper, cut like this we can't tie them,
why not upload the entire sheet, perhaps as a document, filling in the source ..

in short, ..the usual things said, explained, laughed, re-explained .. let's start all over again?

8/7/2021 at 3:43 AM

It seems to me that the source Repertorio della feudalità siciliana (1282 - 1390) gives a thorough account of Rosso's life and states at p. 368 that Enrico and others are children of Oria. Probably genmarenostrum takes Crollalanza as its source, but you can see in that even they doubt Crollalanza. I don't have access to Crollalanza's original article, but I cannot find any primary source about this Costanza, and her parents are not given, so I thought best to eliminate her altogether. If anybody can find something about her in primary or reliable sources, we can examine the matter further.

8/11/2021 at 6:23 PM

Thank you both for responding,

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