George W. Dearman - George Edward Dearmon or DeArmond'

Started by Carla Dearmon on Wednesday, September 8, 2021
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@ George William Dearmon.

I have been told most of my life, that George Edward Dearmon (not William), came here from France with his brother William. Their names were DeArmond' later Americanized to Dearmon or Dearman. The story was handed down that the 2 brothers came over from France and one of them disappeared during the Civil war never to be heard from again. Can anyone substantiate this? This was a family tree researched in the 70's before internet. Since that time pictures and stories have circulated many revelations of Mary Vanhorn Dearmon Hamilton have come to light to cause doubt to previous stories. If anyone has information of her husband George, records of his birth, his death, or origins, please leave a comment. He is my 3rd great grandfather, I am a descendant of his son John Perry Dearmon. George Edward or William as listed here has become my brick wall.

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