Maria / Minnie Nolting - Incorrect descendants

Started by Wiel Tukhut on Thursday, September 9, 2021
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I have never seen a correct listing of the family of Maria Nolting. Look at the children in the timeline: before her marriage she might have had children of a Shapiro, but not after her marriage. She was never outside the Netherlands....

Conform this document, there whre two children before mariage

all 3 children are born before marrage 1853 with Willem Spittuler.
So these children are frm Asker Shapiro?

So, this is the information I have (the original source is a son-in-law of the person who did the DNA matching research described below).

Based on DNA research (which might be questionable this many generations back), a link was originally established between a Maria Nolting (either this person, or her mother Maria Janse Nolting) and a Shapiro.
The first time this link popped up, the link was made between Maria Jans Nolting (the mother) and a Dev Shapiro. The daughter was linked to a Rasmus Nielsen, again based on DNA matches. (I challenged this link five years ago because of the age of Rasmus Nielsen.) The Nielsen link is supposed to be 100% reliable, the Shapiro link relatively reliable (whatever that means). The DNA matches came through the daughter of the daughter, Maria Johanna, so not through the son Jan Jacob.

Nowadays, the mother is linked to a Niels Knudsen as on this website (the father of the above mentioned Rasmus Nielsen), and the daughter is linked to Asker Shapiro. So, the DNA matches were swapped between mother and daughter.

The husband (Willem Fredrik Spittuler) of the daughter Maria Nolting was a famous humanist, so that he accepted Maria's two children as his own doesn't say anything about him being the father. Before marrying Willem Fredrik, Maria has been enlisted for a while at the "Nederlands Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap", I can only assume because of her relationship with a Jewish man. After her marriage, she was not enlisted at the "Nederlands Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap" anymore.

The source said, Maria Nolting (the daughter) had three relationships. For me, this means the following:

The father of her son Jan Jacob is unknown (could be the same father as his sister, but this is unproven, and there is 3.5 years between them).
The father of her daughter Maria Johanna was probably Asker Shapiro (I cannot judge).
After marrying Willem Fredrik, no more children were born.

As far as I can tell, Maria Nolting (this person, the daughter) had only two children, Jan Jacob and Maria Johanna.

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