About 1832-1833 Emil Voss and L.S.Hargous import and export firm, in Veracruz Mexico. I dont know how Emill Voss got to Mexico and wat port from Denmark Wandsbek whas danish. Emil Voss married Isabel Hernandez I dont the year ore where in Veracruz. Emil and Isabel got a son.
Juan Chrisostomo Voss born 1842 27/1 Veracruz.This son Juan left Mexico as a young boy, and came to Denmark.Conformation 1858 in Frue kirke.
Examination danish school 1861, and he becama a dentist in Copenhagen. Married with Leontine Pauline Marie Voss 1871 19/6,his cousin.Daghter of professer C.L.Voss,dentist and his Uncle.Died 1883.I cant find anything about Emils wife ore relatives ore if there was more children.But 1840 Emil Voss whas INVOLVED in The MEXICAN INDEMNITY. Now he is Emilio Voss and agent for USA.Emilio should recive 5 instalment the 3 first was ok, but 2 instalment was paid or not,and it was a lot of money,a lot!! Al this can yoy reed about in teh congres and in newspaper in USA.
I myself can follow Emilio Voss to 1860-1863 then he disaper.