Mary Jones (Batte) - 3 sisters named Martha

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Monday, September 20, 2021
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Mary Jones (Batte) MP
Gender: Female
Birth: circa 1668
Henrico County, Virginia Colony
Death: after 1741
Bristol Parish, Prince George County, Province of Virginia
Immediate Family:
Daughter of Thomas Batte and Mary Batte
Wife of Capt. Peter Jones, II
Mother of Abraham Jones; Maj. Peter Jones III; Mary Jones; Thomas Jones; Margaret Hinton and 13 others
Sister of Sarah Evans; Amy Jones; Martha Jones; Thomas Batte, Jr. and Thomas Batte, Jr.
Half sister of Thomas Batte; Sarah Evans and Amy Cocke

Mary Jones Batte is my 7th great grandmother

here is my relation to you
→ Virginia G.Benefiel
your mother → Ava Erwin
her mother → Bobbie Edna Ragsdale
her mother → Andrew Jackson Ragsdale
her father → James Ragsdale
his father → Rebecca Dargan Cockrell
his mother → Burr Harrison
her father → Ann 'Betty' Harrison
his mother → Ambrose Grayson, I
her brother → John Grayson
his son → Elizabeth Davis Gordon
his daughter → Rebecca Priscilla Martin
her daughter → Sarah "Sallie" Baker Curd (Martin)
her daughter → Martha Adeline Utterback
her daughter → Sallie Edward Swaim
her daughter → Elma Emerson
her daughter → John Mac Emerson
her son → <private> Hicks (Emerson)
his daughter → Cynthia Curtis , A183502, US7875087, Tree builder
her daughter

Hi cousin Sandra Lee Shelton!
I started several discussions and did some merging and disconnecting myself and when I looked at your reply, I saw that the curator extraordinaire Erica is working on it as well. I am so thankful for all the help available and all the collaboration between users at this platform, Geni

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